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Updated 4 days ago
Updated 4 days ago




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I'm happy to bundle and many items have been reduced. All offers are welcome!!!!
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daisyflores Ill share my sign too....Ill tag u.. Lol
Aug 16Reply
skyeyas @splendeur luv ur sign. Can I do a screen shot and post in my closet? Instagram?
Nov 10Reply
ananj I can't find the website name you mentioned- I tried to go back but it's gone -let me know when you get a chance- thanks!!!!
Dec 19Reply
skymansgirl @ananj I tried to find it too... And it's gone:/ can you maye email it to me?? Thanks lovely!
Dec 19Reply
shoelicious Thanks for sharing!!! 💋
Jan 25Reply
anidelilah Thanks for the like sweetie :) let me know if you're interested, I can do bundles for you! @splendeur
Jan 28Reply
lexreinert @splendeur All of your items are sold! How do you do it?! I would be so grateful if you could share a few of my items or closet with your followers! ✨😊 I will return the favor when you have more! Thanks ❤
Jan 28Reply
splendeur @lexreinert - hey doll, I've been on here for a while but stopped when lots scams came about and I also moved to Korea so that's why I don't have anything in my closet to sell or there would be. There were more items but I deleted all the ones that were through pp, I don't recommend doing so though, I only did bc I am not selling anymore. 😊 Just build up a strong net work of friends by watching and helping each other out, it's the best way to be successful on here, you'll do great! 😊😉😀
Jan 29Reply
lexreinert @splendeur Oh okay 😊 Wow thank you so much for all the shares! And thank you for the advice. It means a lot! ✨💖
Jan 29Reply
siennethreads hey there! i was wondering - where r u located now and how will u be shipping? i was thinking of sending my items stateside and having my sis mail out things that sell bc i thought apo does not allow us to use the pm generated labels? is there a way around this? if u could pass along any info my way that would be great! hope all is well!! 😄
Jan 31Reply
splendeur @siennethreads - hi there lady!!! So you're in Europe?! Wow, nice!!!! I'm in South Korea 😊. I didn't know APO wouldn't allow PM generated label... I was going to use my friend's husband's APO address... Well, darn.. I guess if you're going to ship e wry thing to your sister, that can be a way, but I can't do that, my brother would jack up all the packages. Lol. I think the best way is to let the buyers know that I can't use the auto generated shipping label and that their package will take a while, and just be honest about it, you know, ppl get all antsy about receiving item within 3 days.. Which it really takes 4 unless you ship it on a Friday... I have no idea, you and I have some brainstorming to do! 😁
Jan 31Reply
splendeur @skyeyas - hi there, of course you can!!! So sorry about the delayed reply, have been moving and traveling 😁, please do feel to screen shot pic 😊
Jan 31Reply
siennethreads darn i got all excited bc i thought there was a way to do it thru apo. well that is what a neighbor told me, so i'm not completely sure about the rules. once i check i will pass along any info - i haven't sent anything stateside yet so we'll see. i know pm labels r supposed to work fine w fpo/apo addys, but idk if that works overseas. there has to be some way to get our pm fix! lol
Jan 31Reply
splendeur @siennethreads - now that you mentioned it, I really don't know.. Bc the only time I sent to an APO address, I had to go to the post office and fill out a form and show 2 forms of ID.. Might have to just let the buyer know that I can't use the auto generated form but that will put us in a soft spot bc if we don't use the auto generated form then they can say they never received the item! Might have to break pp rules and go through pp and then there is tracking... Ahhhh 😰 let me know what you think or can find out please!
Jan 31Reply
siennethreads ur an honest buyer/seller tho so i doubt u will have any problems w ppl questioning if u will scam them or not. it's just too bad about all of these instances u hear about now...i guess i've been MIA for awhile but things like this NEVER happened before. and that was just like 6 months ago! but i will def look into our shipping dilemma and let u kno what i find out! 😉
Jan 31Reply
splendeur @siennethreads - I know, I've been MIA as well bc of the move but apparently PM does not take down "bad seller's list" anymore... Also, PayPal is now openly all over the place... I'm out of the loop too.. You too are a trustworthy seller/buyer so you shouldn't have problems either. Please do let me know what you find out and I'll ask my friend too 😊 It's kinda neat that we are almost in the same time zone 😜
Jan 31Reply
siennethreads actually it's almost 3am here...i've been an insomniac lately! lol. but it was nice getting reacquainted and "chatting" w u!! will def be in touch. night! (morning, to u!) 😆
Jan 31Reply
splendeur @siennethreads - I'm so bad with this world time... Ditto!!!! Glad to see you're back phishing too!!! Can't wait to see your new closet!!!! Night girl! 😄
Jan 31Reply
emmylushop You have an amazing closet! So sad everything is sold 😢
Mar 21Reply
splendeur @kimsalittlepea - thanks doll!!! You'll sell too!!! 😊
Mar 22Reply
karolphan @splendeur ❤❤❤❤❤❤ this!!!!
Apr 11Reply
clarissabrazil Hi! Have you got your dress yet? :)
Apr 25Reply
splendeur @mrsbrazil - yes, been meaning to find you!!! Thank you so much!!! It fits perfectly!!!! Live it! 💖😋💖😋💖😘 thank you soooooo much!!!
Apr 25Reply
clarissabrazil @splendeur - awesome! So glad you like it! :)
Apr 25Reply
splendeur @mrsbrazil - thank you again!💖💖💖
Apr 25Reply
renarose2 Love this! ❤
May 02Reply
splendeur @renarose2 - thanks!!! 😊💖
May 02Reply
iselah Great shoes to conquer the world and a smashing hair do to capture its occupants lol
Jun 10Reply
splendeur @iselah - I like that!!!!!! 💖
Jun 10Reply
iselah True facts your closet
Jun 10Reply
splendeur @iselah - thanks girl!!!!! 💖
Jun 10Reply
chic_happens Love your closet💘
Jul 16Reply
splendeur @gin_uwine - thanks doll!!! Your closet is awesome too!!! 💖
Jul 16Reply
chic_happens Thank you💐😘
Jul 16Reply
splendeur @gin_uwine - thank you as well 💓
Jul 16Reply
splendeur @khey - interesting.. What did I do to get blocked from your closet?
Sep 01Reply
isafabulous @splendeur :I am size 6.5 too!yay!
Oct 22Reply
2xs_trendy @splendeur you have a gorgeous closet! I love it!! Thank you for all your share beautiful ;)
Nov 03Reply
splendeur @rdos1 - thank you so much!! ☺️ thank you for all the shares too!! 😊
Nov 03Reply
keg90 Oh I love it !! I am a shoe girl!!
Nov 04Reply
splendeur @keg90 - me too!!! I hate that I can't wear heels here bc all the streets are paved really crappy so it ruins all my heels!!!
Nov 04Reply
ziacloset I am all about the shoes :)
Dec 16Reply
playingblogger Hi beautiful 😃❤️☀️Happy new year and happy Friday 🍷🎈🎈 Just stopping by to say hi 😉
Jan 04Reply
splendeur @jules2209 - hey lovely!!! Happy new year to you as well!!!! Thanks for dropping by!! 😊💕
Jan 04Reply
splendeur @isa_wine_lover - my trip was good, thanks for asking!!! Hubby picked me up last night and I passed out!!! Only slept about 5 hours on the 14 hour flight and after that it was a 3 hour layover then final stretch of 1 hour to get home. Whew!!! Woke up at 5:30 but probably will hit a wall at 3 or so.. 😜
Jan 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - why, what happened?
Jan 12Reply
tingting123 @splendeur I will move to LA by myself.
Jan 12Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - I thought you already moved.
Jan 12Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - who were you gong to move with?
Jan 12Reply
tingting123 @splendeur I will move with my sister.
Jan 12Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - but she is not going to move with you now?
Jan 12Reply
tingting123 @splendeur she live LA I'm here San fransico.
Jan 12Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - ok, so what's the matter?
Jan 12Reply
tingting123 @splendeur I'm not happy with my husband now.
Jan 12Reply
tingting123 @splendeur so I will tell u next time. I will write Chinese ok can't write Chinese now.
Jan 12Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - ok.. Take care. 😊
Jan 12Reply
tingting123 @splendeur I will thank you.
Jan 12Reply
melodicmistress Thinking of you today darling! I hope all is well<3
Jan 13Reply
splendeur @bholiday - hey love, thanks for thinking of me!! I'm well and back in Korea. 😊 hope all is well with you!!! 😊💕
Jan 13Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - we can chat here. 😊💕
Jan 21Reply
little_bit_hp I moved it to the back of the closet 😆😆 and I know you're always looking out for me!! But please let me keep it hahhaha I share it time to time 😎😎😎
Jan 21Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - awe, thank you!!! You're too sweet!!! 😊💕
Jan 21Reply
little_bit_hp 😉 are you having fun at the party? I am sharing my fingers away 😊😊
Jan 21Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - yup, don't forget to share your own items!!! 😊💕
Jan 21Reply
little_bit_hp Ooohhh good advice!! I forgot about my own!! 😆😆
Jan 21Reply
sdshopper Love this!!!😘✨
Jan 21Reply
little_bit_hp Last night was a blast!!! I passed out right after lol My HP was sold right away! You are amazeballzzz 😝😝
Jan 22Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - I'm so happy for you!!!! That's so awesome!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Jan 22Reply
sorgc AGREE👍 😄
Jan 22Reply
splendeur @sorgc - 😊💕
Jan 22Reply
agreen93 Thanks so much for all your shares!! 👍☺️
Jan 22Reply
little_bit_hp OMG I feel so silly!!!! I used my Mac for posh the very first time and it's sooooo much faster loll 😭
Jan 23Reply
isa_wine_lover 🎶I see some new listings 🎶
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @isa_wine_lover - yes 😁 I had to add some new listings hoping they'd lucky enough to be picked by you!!! 💕😊😘
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - faster as in sharing or just in general?
Jan 23Reply
little_bit_hp Like I can share, like, and comment a lot faster because I don't have to scroll down that far and I can view a lot more items on the screen than my tiny iPhone screen!! 😏😏 I'm such a newb!!
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - heck!!! I want a Mac now!!!! Lol!! 💕😊
Jan 23Reply
little_bit_hp I am sure you can work some magic and have your hubby get you one LOLL 😜
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - maybe... Considering both of our laptop are complete crap.. Nice thinking!!!! Wahahaha!!!!
Jan 23Reply
little_bit_hp Perhaps you need to bust out your weapon - ex's Ferragamo wallet LOLL you can twirl around to get a Mac from that uh huh! 😎😎 ok time to finish my some hw and head to bed, night Suhan 💖
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - lol!!! That wallet goes a long way!!! 😆 nighty night Helly.
Jan 23Reply
isa_wine_lover I wonder if Poshmark would let me share your whole closet to my party... Hmmmm... You are the epitome of Stylish!!!
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @isa_wine_lover - awe, you're SOOO sweet!!!! I would be flattered if you chose one item!!! 😊💕 and I'd be ecstatic for it too!!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Jan 23Reply
splendeur @designertimes - lol, I didn't quite understand your question about sharing luv..
Jan 24Reply
designertimes @splendeur I was told to share my closet daily with my "feed"? Lol....idk what that means at all? Lol
Jan 24Reply
splendeur @designertimes - I think that person probably meant to say share your closet to your feeds daily. Basically it just means share your closet daily, to the parties, etc. 😊💕
Jan 24Reply
splendeur @designertimes - you're totally a smarty, all that app to prettify your listings are very easy to use. I don't use them but I think the one that ppl use to draw stuff is called a beautifulmess. 💕 see, I don't even know about all that!! Lol! 😊💕
Jan 24Reply
designertimes @splendeur Omg....thank u cause that's been driving me nuts...I've been like what feed? Lol...also i realized I told u part of my life story&how I've access to rare, limited&custom items even from designers, since I noticed your shoe size! Lol, I copied it&will share another time!!!!! I wrote it&realized my life prior to sci(spinal cord injuries)&hi only wrote about my professional life&passions for just a few yrs too&my life couldn't b written in one book or movie'd have to b a series&i can't look at heels even's too painful, but I've all these heels&items from professional networking. If u want me to put up ones in your size ever&tell u 1st just let me kno!xoxo
Jan 24Reply
little_bit_hp Hey sweets!! I have a newbie question! Can co-hosts pick their own closet items as HPs??? Hehe I saw a few HPs chosen by the very same owner of the closet that's co-hosting 😜 thought that's a bit funny but hey I don't know if they are encouraged to do that so just being curious 😁😁
Jan 26Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - yes, co hosts are allowed to share 10 items from their own closet but I find that unnecessary bc of all the traffic they already get. I didn't share any from my closet when I hosted. I rather share from 10 more new closets. 😊💕 but yes, they are allowed.
Jan 26Reply
little_bit_hp Oooooooooooo I see!!! Yah totally with you if I ever get to co host.. When do you co host again??? I wanna be invited to your party 😝😝😝😝
Jan 26Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - I hosted on 10/21/13, I haven't written to PM to ask to host again.. I kinda want to wait until spring considering most if my items are dresses. Of course!!! 😊💕😊
Jan 26Reply
splendeur @designertimes - I'm sorry to hear about your spinal surgery and that sounds so painful.. Bless your heart... I love heels but I hardly wear them here in Korea bc the streets will ruin the heels...
Jan 27Reply
sugarush Your closet is so gorgeous, and so are you!!!
Jan 30Reply
splendeur @sugarush - awe, thank you for that sweet sweet complement!!!! 💕😊
Jan 30Reply
splendeur @sugarush - you have a cute closet yourself!!! 😊💕
Jan 30Reply
ilovesunset Suhan, Just stop by to say hi & 🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy Lunar New Year to us 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Feb 03Reply
splendeur @ilovesunset - hi Thuy!!!! Yes, happy lunar year or year of the dragon!!!!! Hurrah!!!! Did you get some serious red envelopes? 😃😁
Feb 04Reply
ilovesunset Suhan, this year is the year of Horse, not Dragon, lol.... I only got serious lucky money from mom & dad.... How about you?
Feb 04Reply
splendeur @ilovesunset - I'm a tard, just woke up!!! Lol!!! Yes, year of the horse!!!! That's awesome!!! I loved it when I got envelopes but now it doesn't apply bc I'm married!!!! Ahhh!!! Now I give red envelopes!!! Sigh.. No shopping for me this month. Lol!!! But I can go on a shopping spree!!! 👏👏😊💕 don't forget to visit my closet when you do 😁. On another note, you're closet is getting pretty awesome!!! 👏👏👏
Feb 04Reply
ilovesunset Lol..... I have spent a lot for my vacation in Jan, so the red envelopes mean nothing now, haha....I have to save more for my next trip, but it seems impossible. Thanks for the comment about my closet, I have to learn more and more from my fellow Poshers, especially YOU, Suhan.
Feb 04Reply
splendeur @ilovesunset - glad you are traveling!!! I remember your last vaca, yea, the envelopes make up for the vacas. 😊💕 you're too kind!!!! 💕😊
Feb 04Reply
splendeur @clongo - yes, I do love shoes!!!
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur hi beautiful how r u?
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - I'm good, how about you?
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur I'm ok thanks I'm going to move LA March 3
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - that's great news!!!! 👏👏👏👏
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 我要跟我老公要分开了
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - I'm sorry, that's not good news...
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 这里我不想住了去飛妹妹那里
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - that's what sisters are for. I'm sorry to hear though was he abusive?
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur I'm ok 跟他在一起一奌乜不开心
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - that sucks.. Well, now you will be happy away from him.
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 他什么都要官我我都50 了我还能做什么
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - that can be overbearing... But you're free now!!!! Do as you wish!!!! 😊
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 他从来不会打我只有我会丿打他
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 谢谢你听我说这些
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - no worries, we all need to vent. I hope you will be happy at your sister's. 😊 best of luck!!!
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 我一定很开心不过我不效心我女儿😢
Feb 07Reply
tingting123 @splendeur 你是一个好人谢谢你听我说
Feb 07Reply
splendeur @tingting123 - no need to thank me.. I didn't do anything. He is getting custody of your daughter?
Feb 07Reply
little_bit_hp Hi love!!!! How are you?!! 😲🙋 went anywhere interesting lately in Korea?
Feb 08Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - hey hey, no.. But we are going skiing next weekend. 😊💕 you?
Feb 08Reply
little_bit_hp 😱😱 Ohhhh nice!!!! Are you good at skiing? I tried snow boarding and I got my butt beaten up loll 😋 how fun!!! Make a posh snowman LOLL
Feb 08Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - I love it!!! It's really fun but I hate the cold though. Lol!!!!!!
Feb 08Reply
little_bit_hp Loll so ironic! 😂😂 dress warm and maybe post some pics for us 😊
Feb 08Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - lol, I know!! Been hibernating for a couple of days now bc it's been cold but I'm all for skiing/snowboarding!!! Lol!!!
Feb 08Reply
thejanismarie Hi Suhan, are you back in Texas yet or still abroad?
Feb 08Reply
splendeur @jblacombe - I'm still in Korea Janice. 😊💕
Feb 09Reply
little_bit_hp Did you go skiing yet? Or is it next weekend?? Ahhhh I'm getting old 😩😩
Feb 11Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - it's this weekend. Lol!! No you're not!! 💕😊
Feb 11Reply
little_bit_hp Oops hehe 😛 almost right 😊 ahh I'm freaking out here, my hubby is in surgery right now and I am soo nervous I brought my textbook to study but I can't set my mind straight 😒😒 Poshing to keep busy 😅
Feb 11Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - oh no!!!! Why is he in surgery?!?!?!
Feb 12Reply
little_bit_hp Phew.. He's done and resting at home now. A year ago, an idiot decided to text and drive, ran the red light and crashed into my hubby. He then had a herniated disc at his neck and it was progressively getting worse so we decided to do a disc replacement so today was surgery day. He was so brave, I'm so proud of him. Now I pamper him like a baby 😊
Feb 12Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - awe.... I'm so sorry to hear!!!! I'm so glad that he is doing much much better... 👏👏👏😊💕
Feb 12Reply
little_bit_hp Thank you! Now he's taking advantage of me like a maid 😩😩😩 well as long as he's healthy 😊
Feb 12Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - that's what's mist important and when he is alllllll better he will pamper you!!!! 😊💕
Feb 12Reply
little_bit_hp Hi pretty lady! How was your ski trip? 😊
Feb 18Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - hey cutie pie, it was a "power through" weekend. Lol!! The lodge was creepy like the Shining creepy. Then half way through the day on the slopes a dude list control going too fast towards the end of the slopes and took me out. He tumbled down and took my legs out and I landed face first (left side) into the ground. My cheekbone is bruised, lip was busted but that healed quickly, my chin scratched up, and think I have a minor concussion... So been moving a bit slow these couple of days.. Been sleeping a lot. The medics didn't speak English, of course.. But I got back on the slopes the next day and went down blacks.... Hubby keeps forgetting that my head was not right.. Lol.. But successful second day. 😊 the only thing is that I can't stare at things too long, it gets blurry, and I sleep a lot. Anyway, how are you? 😊
Feb 18Reply
little_bit_hp Holy 💩!!! That guy got 🔫s to take down our beautiful Suhan and wounded her 😠😠 I hope you're ok!!!! Don't stare too hard, eyes might pop out lol jk! You kept going the next day?? Geeze did you go see the doctor about your bruises and eyes? I hope you did! You know your face is your money maker 😏😏 I am doing ok, hubby is healing fast and he went to work today so I'm relaxed. Back to my normal routine and catching up on my school works bleh 😔 anywhoo rest plenty and feel better soon 💖 I'll check on you later
Feb 18Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - I'm so glad to hear that your hubby is already on his feet!!! Whew!!! Bet that was a load off your shoulder. 😊💕
Feb 18Reply
little_bit_hp "Hey, check out my shirt. Feel it. Do you know what it is made of? Posh girlfriend material 👭👯" 😁😁👍👍 how are you feeling? All better like a superwoman? 😉 you know.. I wonder where "Posh" doll is now 😶
Feb 20Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - you list track of the posh doll? Awe man.. I was wondering where it went. It's ok. I'll look at your shirt. 😊💕
Feb 20Reply
little_bit_hp HAHHAHAHHAA OMG girl! You crack me up! It was a guy pick up line where he says "boyfriend material" and I twisted! I don't have a shirt for you to look at LOLLLL 😂😂 I think you need more resting 😜 I don't know. I have to ask my buyer if she knew where the doll is
Feb 20Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - lmao!!!! I really let that one slip pass me!!! Whaahahahahaha! 😂😂😂😂
Feb 20Reply
bton1268 @splendeur - love your closet!
Feb 27Reply
splendeur @bton1268 - thank you so much!! ☺️💕 ditto.
Feb 27Reply
juliagust @splendeur Love your closet!! :-)
Mar 03Reply
splendeur @juliagust - thank you!!! ☺️💕💖💞 ditto!!! Your closet is fabulous too!!!
Mar 03Reply
little_bit_hp So did you go skiing again? 😁 I can't wait for my spring break!! Still have work, but at least I'll be stress free lol
Mar 05Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - no, the snow melted by now and hubby is afraid that's too much movement for the head and doc also said give it a month....😕 spring break is always fun!!! Going anywhere? 😊💕
Mar 05Reply
little_bit_hp Oo I forgot it's march already 🙆💁 you're still feeling the pain? 😕 I heard that there's a lake in S Korea that you can go and pick up clams and see if you can find pearls inside 😄 maybe look it up? That would be fun! I'm not going anywhere for spring break, hubby's traveling for work again, but I'll be having friends over from Maine so I'm excited 😁
Mar 05Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - that'll be exciting!!!! Yay for you lady!! 💕😊 really? I'm gonna have to look that up!!!! 😊
Mar 05Reply
little_bit_hp 😥😥😢😢 Suhan!!!!! I'm a bit upset! I received an email from Posh saying that my listing (VS swim suits) are against PM rules?!!! I don't know why they are because they are brand new just without tags (I have a tendency of just ripping off tags right after I buy stuff) so is that a violation????? 😰😰😰 if they are, I mean I'll take them off the listing and donate them. I just don't want them to think I'm not following posh guidelines because I work so hard for my closet 😔😔 help please!!
Mar 11Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - hey hun, I'm sorry, but any abi thing suit and undergarments MUST have tags on them. I have the same tendency.. That's why so many of my items are NWOT.. But I can't do anything with my bathing suits... I'm sorry doll.
Mar 11Reply
little_bit_hp 😢😢 okay!! I didn't know about that part!! Going to donate them then 😊 thank you for clarifying! I took them down already 👍
Mar 11Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - it's all good. No worries. 😊💕
Mar 11Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - I bet!!! Wish I can shop there!!! Every time I visit home, I load up on shopping!!! Lol!! 💕💕💕💕
Mar 13Reply
kmb42 So you live here in the states?
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - I did for just about all my life until I moved to Korea about 1.5 years ago. 😊💕 Houston, TX.
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - I'm totally a southern gal with a country accent. Lol!!!
Mar 13Reply
kmb42 I used to live in Katy Texas
Mar 13Reply
kmb42 What takes you to Korea
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - I lived in Katy for a bit!!!
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - hubby. Took an assignment overseas. Not military.
Mar 13Reply
kmb42 Oh fun......I met many people in Texas that worked abroad
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - yes, it's all oil and gas. That's what I did too. 😊💕
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - what took you out to Cali?
Mar 13Reply
kmb42 My son is here I'm visiting him
Mar 13Reply
splendeur @kmb42 - I bet you're having soooo much fun!!! 😊💕 get him to spoil you at the Chanel store!!! 👏👏👏👏😊
Mar 13Reply
little_bit_hp Having a bad day at work 😩😩😩 waahhhh come save me LOLLL wish I can make Posh my full time 😢
Mar 25Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - awe, what happened?!?! Are you okay?
Mar 26Reply
little_bit_hp Coworkers were irritating, they were being dishonest and blaming others for their own mistakes. so I was frustrated but I'm going to look for a new job soon HAHAHHA find a job and PEOPLE that I love being around 😊
Mar 26Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - yes. Negative ppl are no good for you and in your life!!! I'm glad you're more happier now!! 😊💕🌸
Mar 26Reply
little_bit_hp Yahhh it was no good for me to be surrounded by negativity!!! My hair is turning grey 👵👵👵
Mar 26Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - lmao!!! 😹😹😹
Mar 26Reply
little_bit_hp Well at least I'm not going bald 👴👴 hehe so how are you lately?!!! Update me on your life in Korea 😊
Mar 26Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - yes, not going bald is a good thing!!! Lol!! 😊💕🌸 I'm in Seoul doing a little retail therapy 😊💕🌸
Mar 26Reply
little_bit_hp Awesome!!!!! Hope you are having a great time 😘😘😘
Mar 26Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - thanks!!! 😜😁🌸
Mar 26Reply
jjd1982 Amen.
Mar 29Reply
petalsofposh @splendeur Such a beautiful closet you have especially the jewelry!!! Have a wonderful Sunday ~Mei
Mar 30Reply
splendeur @petalsofyouth - awe, thank you! 😊 you as well!!! 💕
Mar 31Reply
petalsofposh <3 <3 Thank you Suhan! I see you here on PM showing a lot of Posh luv- Mei
Mar 31Reply
splendeur @petalsofyouth - I see you do the same!!! 😊💕🌸 it's all about spreading the posh love!! 😊💕🌸❤️
Mar 31Reply
sangyayc couldn't agree more~! well said! :D
Apr 03Reply
splendeur @chenlalaland - ❤️🌸💋 word!! Lol!
Apr 03Reply
madison179 Your closet is beautiful! Everything is stunning on you!
Apr 18Reply
splendeur @madison179 - you're too kind ☺️💕 !!! Your closet is amazing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 18Reply
chic_happens Love love love looking at your closet💕you're such a cute model💕
May 06Reply
splendeur @gin_uwine - you're too kind ☺️💕 I'm just messing around most of the times. 😁
May 06Reply
chic_happens LoL I try! I'm awful lol I use my nieces!!☺️
May 06Reply
splendeur @gin_uwine - really? I thought that was you!!! 😳 all beauties!!!! ❤️💕💗💘💌💋
May 06Reply
chic_happens ☺️awww thanks 💕
May 06Reply
mytherapy Hi! How are you? Feel like I haven't been as connected on Posh, I took a short break but I'm back! Hope things are good in S Korea😘
May 11Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - hi Mina! How are you!! I've been a bit MIA myself due to family visiting. 😊💕 they left this Monday. 😊
May 11Reply
mytherapy Things are good here, can't complain. We are supposed to have a snowstorm tomorrow! ❄️⛄️❄️Yikes- I don't mind winter weather during winter, but I'm ready for flip flops and shorts right now😉 👙
May 11Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - really?!?! A snow storm??? That's awful, I'm sorry to hear... It's getting warm here but gets cold at night. Agree, I want to wear shorts, tank, and flip flops all the time. ❤️😊💕
May 11Reply
laurie2u @splendeur hello 😃 just want to Thank You for your share my HP item last night it was great ! & my first HP it was very Special to me my closet is still work in progress😊I don't mind any tips 👀seeing you have a lot of HP Sharing Is Caring 💟 🌹🌷 have a good day or morning .. Ttyl Laurie
May 13Reply
mistielee @Splendeur Thank you so much for all the shares, Suhan!! You are most lovely. Love your closet!! Your happiness just flows off the pages!! Happy Sales to You <3
May 17Reply
splendeur @mistielee - it's my pleasure and thank you!!! ☺️💕
May 17Reply
mistielee @splendeur Sure!! Anytime!!
May 17Reply
shoret411 @splendeur I just saw someone selling splenda on here! lmao I'm seeing sooo many "unposh" things on here now but omg.. people are just posting anything!
May 29Reply
little_bit_hp Hey Suhan!!!!! Are you in Taiwan now??? How is it over there? Did you get the Xiao Long Bao yet? 😝
Jun 03Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - lol, not yet.. Will be traveling on the 17th... Drool!!!!
Jun 04Reply
little_bit_hp Ooohhhh I thought you left already!!!!! How exciting 😁😁 so what's new?!!
Jun 04Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - mmm.... Been a bit sick but just throat, can't talk but I can type lol. My Jason Wu didn't fit!!!! I can't even get half of my feet in.. Think it's your size!!!
Jun 04Reply
little_bit_hp Oh no!!! You're easy to catch the cold/flu!! Take care lady!! Health first 😊 and no way those don't fit!!!!!!! That off?!!!!! That's crazy, it can't be 1.5 size off loll that's just insane
Jun 04Reply
splendeur @little_bit_hp - been resting.. So haven't been Poshing... Yea.. It's really off.. I guess I have wide feet bc I can't even get the front of my foot in... At best a 5.5.
Jun 04Reply
little_bit_hp Awww that sucks!! I'm sorry to hear that 😐 the seller said it was tts right? Re-posh them
Jun 04Reply
mytherapy @splendeur Hi Suhan, I need some advice. I bought 2 pairs of shoes, size 6 but I usually wear 5.5. Sometimes in this brand I wear a 6. Anyway, seller said they ran a bit small, and she measured the insole and said it was 9.25 inches. I received them today but they are a bit big, and measured 9.75 inches. I am sad bc I love the shoes, and I think the seller is a good Posher. I don't want to make a big fuss but I spent $100 which is fine if I can wear them... Also, there is a security tag/ circle impression on the shoe, which is pretty noticeable bc they are a metallic finish- I asked if there were any creases or imperfections on the shoes and she said no. What would you do? I value your opinion a lot!💕💕💕
Jun 07Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - oh Mina, I'm so sorry to hear. Have you tried to contact the seller and discuss this with her?
Jun 07Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - if she is reasonable, she'll want to work something out. Maybe she didn't notice the imprint? Should you file a case with PM based on size, you won't get a refund. It's a hit or miss with shoes.. I recently bought a pair that was one size off but the shoes were printed the correct size. So, if you want to file, I'd try the imprint angle but try to reason with seller first. 🌸
Jun 07Reply
mytherapy Thanks for your advice! I'm bummed about the imprint and the size, but I know the size is my own problem. I don't think she would have wanted to accept a return or anything for the imprint, based on our conversations. I decided to accept the order and will plan to re-Posh the shoes. Which is sad, bc I love them! But I think they will sell quickly, at least I hope so- she's had no problem selling them, she just can't find more quickly enough! 💝
Jun 07Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - I think reposhing them is perfect. I have to do the same with my purchase. I'm sure they will sell quickly. 💕😊🌺💞
Jun 07Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - sorry I wasn't more of help. 😣
Jun 07Reply
mytherapy Don't be sorry! I decided on my own that was the best thing to do. I don't want any drama here. I like to keep it fun and pleasant! Your advice was good and you are always helpful to me!💕💕💕😘
Jun 07Reply
splendeur @mytherapy - 😘😘😘😘😘💋
Jun 07Reply
itslove Love the new additions to your closet. Modeled with your usual fun flair. Too cute. Lol.
Jun 24Reply
splendeur @itslove - missed you lady!!!! 💋💕💓
Jun 25Reply
itslove I know I've been so busy haven't had time to dedicate to my PM world. Haha. Probably a good thing because my "likes" are growing quickly. Are you still the international lady of mystery or are you back in the U.S.?
Jun 25Reply
laurie2u @splendeur hello Missy hope you are having a fantastic week😃my sister inlaw from Korea came here for a day on a bitter sweet note 😢 my sister is hospitalized which she is not doing well 😭 it was so good seeing my brother & her but wish it was on a more pleasant visit. anyway just wanted to chit-chat I did get to take pics of them 😊 & their baby dog Kobi 😃so you enjoy your holiday ttyl Laurie 🌷
Jul 04Reply
astylistscloset Amen!💎👠
Jul 29Reply
arigrldesigns @splendeur Thx for the lovely shares! Xoxo🌹
Aug 01Reply
splendeur @pmgr22 - thank you!!! 💋
Aug 01Reply
cdiva917 Hey girl, can you put me back on the party alert list please?
Oct 14Reply
splendeur @mrsdiva703 - sure thing. 😊🌸
Oct 14Reply
cdiva917 Thank you!
Oct 14Reply
splendeur @mrsdiva703 - I thought you were on everyone's tag list? No?
Oct 14Reply
cdiva917 No im not.
Oct 14Reply
splendeur @lovedana - Dana!!!! Your closet is a gem!!!! WOW!!! 💕💖💕💖
Oct 24Reply
lovedana Thank you that means a lot
Oct 24Reply
splendeur @lovedana - It's true!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!!
Oct 24Reply
lovedana 😘😘😘❤️😘😘😘 means a lot friend
Oct 24Reply
splendeur @charlottefitz - thank you and I adore you Kelly!!! 😘💋💋💋💓💕
Nov 05Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - sorry.. Wanted to chat more but these ladies that I paid to pretty up my hands are serious about not moving.. 😹😹😹
Nov 11Reply
guts_guile I'm sorry girl, completely passed out!! How is the move looking? Did you guys find a place yet?
Nov 11Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - it's ok, I figured so. 😊 We don't move until mid January but think we'll take a trip there to pick out our home in late December. 💓 Did the house close?
Nov 11Reply
guts_guile Yes, FINALLY!!! It got real retarded but it closed. How is everything else?
Nov 11Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - lol!!! I bet but that's a load off your shoulder!!! 👏👏👏💁💁💁 All is well on my end, sorting through closets for the party, you know the drill. 😆🌸😆
Nov 11Reply
guts_guile Yup! Yup!! Have Fun girlie!!! Handle that Business!!!
Nov 11Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - soooo much pressure. 😆
Nov 11Reply
guts_guile You will kill that mess!!!
Nov 11Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - lol, I'm seeing prints everywhere!!! 😂😂😆😆😂
Nov 11Reply
guts_guile Right!!! If you need any help, hola!!!
Nov 11Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you Marty!
Nov 11Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - didn't want to fill your listing up with chat, lol!!! 😊 wish I can do new listings fast... I did all of 4 in 5 hours.... 😳😂😭
Nov 13Reply
guts_guile @splendeur They can take a long time. I took a bunch of pics this week so I'm just trying to get organized. How's the party looking?
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - ahhhh, you smarty you!!!!! I should do that.. duh me. lol!!!!! It's looking crazy with all the prints, lol!
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - my eyes are like 😳😳😳
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - at least I didn't end up buying a bunch of my likes! 😆
Nov 13Reply
guts_guile Hahaha I meant to tell you, I got drunk and woke up to a bunch of posh purchases the next morning!!! The hubby was like you pulled a Suhan! (Seriously he totally said that)
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - LOL!!!!!! That's so awesome! 😂😂😂 I haven't done that in so long! 😆💗😝 can't these days bc $$$ goes to parents. Did all your packages come on the same day? Did it block your front door?! 💁💁💁🍷🍷🍷 does your mailman hate you? 😜
Nov 13Reply
guts_guile My mail lady is def giving me dirty looks!!! The hubby took this little financial misstep as an excuse to get boys toys, so we are even!
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - 😂😂😂 lol!!! Sweet, what he get?
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - my likes are crazy looking with prints... 😳😳😳😆😂
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - I told my hubs on Monday that I was hosting... He went out and bought me two bottles of wine...😜🍷🍷
Nov 13Reply
guts_guile He went ape sh*t and Lowes. He is now the proud owner of tools he could use with a gun to his head !
Nov 13Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - LOL!!!!! Played his freebie card well!! 😁😁💁
Nov 13Reply
jacimari Thanks for always sharing back!! Love your closet and this listing 💗
Nov 13Reply
guts_guile You KILLED IT!!!! So proud and happy and just so yeah!!! You are ALL SORTS OF AWESOME!!!🍸🍸🍸🍷🍷🍷😘😘😘
Nov 14Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you!!!!!
Nov 14Reply
guts_guile Girl I have no use how I am still awake! But I ❤️💁!!!
Nov 14Reply
splendeur @mcalhoun2204 - really?!?! Lol! I'm exhausted!!! Lol!
Nov 14Reply
gypsyprinces That Quote Is So True! My Man "DRAGGED" Me Out One Night. You Know the Nights When You Just Want To Stay Home. Nails Were Not Done, Was Not In The Mood To Do Hair. You Get The Picture. BUT! I Had Some Rocking Shoes (From Posh) Hadn't Wore Them Yet. But BAM! Rocked It Out All Night Cause Those Shoes Were Insane! :) And You Should Be On The Cover Of A Magazine@splendeur
Nov 25Reply
splendeur @gypsyprinces - you're too cute!!! 👏👏👏👠👠👠👠👠 🎉🎉🌸🌷🎈🎈 rock them heels lady!!!! 🌸🌸🌸 aweeeee, you made my day!!! 💋💋💋💋💋
Nov 25Reply
sugarpiez Some posher told me , poshmark allowed to trade now is that true ??? I meet a lot of trading and offline closets but still have host pick, is that because they know each other.???? It took so long for sale, do u have any tips help me out?? I'm sorry to bother you I don't know anyone or who I ask
Nov 26Reply
splendeur @sugarpiez - hey lady, posh never banned trading but it's not supported. Meaning if you traded and received a fake purse or item not as described.. PM has no reason to get involved. It's based on trust and I don't encourage it. However, you'll eventually meet ppl that you talk to in a everyday basis or become friends with. Those ppl do trade and again it's based on trust. The thing about trade is it's taken into consideration when PM chooses party hosts. If you have traded or condone in trading, PM will most likely not ask you to host a party. But trading is not forbidden, it's just not supported. 🌸 I'm happy to help. 💓
Nov 26Reply
splendeur @sugarpiez - as a buyer, I'd rather see more photos then the last photo regarding trade... Ppl will ask no matter what.. Post serial numbers on your Burberry wallet and anything that's authentic. It's less questions for ppl to ask and doesn't look like you're trying to hide smth.. Not saying it's not authentic. Just take photo of serial tag. It's also the holidays.. It's slow. 🌸
Nov 26Reply
sugarpiez Do u know how to spot my authentic??? Do I know any one???? If u know tell me I delete it right away. I don't like to owe any fake I'm not super rich but I rather have forever21 or mk or tory burch cheaper heheh. I bought that wallet from posher 2 year ago. I was too busy but now I don't remember which posher I bought. I did bring it to burry store they said it's old time( vintage) some of it not having code. I'm sorry type too much .
Nov 26Reply
sugarpiez 2 years ago I only shop in here and I delete account too because of work and school. I just restart it again. But this time I sale too.
Nov 26Reply
splendeur @sugarpiez - I'm not a authenticater and the only one I know is online which you have to pay for. My friend referred her to me. That's the thing, stores can't provide a certificate of authenticity... That's your insurance against any fraud cases, if any should arise. If unsure, don't list until you are sure. 🌸😊
Nov 26Reply
sugarpiez Please can u send me to her. Please I feel more positive to sell I'm lil embarrass I bought it cause I have crossbody try to match but it doesn't I didn't like carry anything not have match wallet. But please help me send me to her I don't care the price to pay and thank you so much. So are so sweet
Nov 26Reply
splendeur @sugarpiez - I'll ask first. ❤️💕😊
Nov 26Reply
sugarpiez Thanks for bunch happy turkey day
Nov 27Reply
splendeur @lchouser - hey Laurie!!!! 💕🌺💞 it's going.. Don't get to go home to the states but still get to spend with family in Taiwan so not complaining. 💕🌺🌸 though it's the first year not going home.. How about you?!?! 💓💗💕
Dec 16Reply
splendeur @lchouser - that's super awesome Laurie!!!! 👏👏👏💁💁💁💁🎊🎊🎈🎉🎉I knew all will work out for you!!! 👏👏👏👏🎉💁💁 I bet it's exhausting!!! But well worth it right!!! 👏👏👏 I'm so happy for you!!! ✨✨💁🌺👏👏👏
Dec 16Reply
splendeur @lchouser - speaking of prints.. I died Monday when I washed my cute vest that I got from you.. 😭😭😭😭😭 it fell apart.. I knew I should have taken the beauty to the cleaners!!! 😢😢😢 I loved that vest...
Dec 16Reply
splendeur @lchouser - I'm so sad about it... I just stared at it like I just lost my cat... 😢😢😢 I don't know why I didn't take it to the cleaners along with everything else..
Dec 16Reply
splendeur @lchouser - it's totally my fault.. It's one of a kind find and I was careless with it.. 😢😢😢
Dec 16Reply
guts_guile Hey Hey Suhan!! Been thinking about you! Hope everything is going well with the family. As always if you need anything I always around!😘😘
Dec 19Reply
modafrancesca thank you beautiful for all the posh love! i absolutely adore your closet and you are just fabulous! xxx
Jan 03Reply
splendeur @modafrancesca - you're too sweet Francesca!! ☺️☺️☺️ thank you and right back at you lovely!! 💕💋💞🌸💓
Jan 03Reply
modafrancesca :) thank you! <3
Jan 04Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - lol! I bet it's cold there! 💕 it's been pretty cold here too 💕 no worries, shares during anytime of the day is thanked. 🌷 I'm well, how are you? ✨
Jan 08Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - yikes!!!! That's a tough babysitting but good bonding with the babies 💕 that's so cold!!!! Burr!! It's only about 25 here and I refuse to leave the house!! 😂😂😂
Jan 08Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - yikes!!!!!!! Now that's cold!!!
Jan 08Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - good luck!!! You'll have fun!! 💕💞💓
Jan 08Reply
ali65 @ali65 Hi !!!! I'm sorry to bother you, I'm sure you'll know the answer though, I came up with a line for the party on 1/19... When I share a HP, how do I save it, I think it's copy and paste, im trying to test it out, does it have to be on an item that's not already sold? I was just trying to " save" it so I can just go to the item that I've chosen, then click on comment, paste , and share...... Is that how it's done???? Any suggestions would be Greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! I want it to go smoothly!!😳😳😳
Jan 17Reply
splendeur @ali65 - I write my "line" in note pad and copy it from there. During the party, it's paste, share, and unlike (I unlike so I know what's left to share). 🌷💓💕 you're going to great!!!! No doubt at all!!! ❤️💓🌷
Jan 17Reply
splendeur @ali65 - you can test it out on one of my "bundled" listings that's been sold. I'll tag you. 💓
Jan 17Reply
ali65 @ali65 Perfect!!! I can do that in my notes on my iPad right? Then copy, paste , and unlike, like u said, that sounds real God!!! I just want to do it right!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😘
Jan 17Reply
splendeur @ali65 - yes, works on iPad too, same way. You can also keep an eye out on the party on you PC. 💓
Jan 17Reply
ali65 @ali65 Had to take my computer in to have it fixed " great timing" 😳😳have a nasty virus on it.. I can use my dads iPad though😊
Jan 17Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - Feb. 18th! Yikes!!!!
Jan 22Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - I know.. We haven't even found a house yet.. 🙈 it's just a bit stressful that's all. 😜😁💕
Jan 22Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - I look online to educate myself on the areas and what's available in the areas we like before we contact a real estate agent there. Then get in touch with a furniture leasing company and make them all work together. Lol!! However, we can't go any of that until our Visa clears.... 😣 another two weeks.. It's cutting close.
Jan 22Reply
splendeur @mnestheide - 😭😭😭😂😂😂
Jan 22Reply
augustpinkstyle I sure do feel like that in my 👠❤️😂
Jan 27Reply
splendeur @augustpinkstyle - yea!!! 👏👏💁💁💁💕🌸❤️
Jan 27Reply
classyfashion @splendeur Have a wonderful weekend beautiful🌸🌼🌺😊
Feb 13Reply
splendeur @classyfashion -hi gorgeous!!! You as well!!! 💋💋💋💋
Feb 14Reply
abigailynn_ @splendeur thank you for all of the shares😊 you have a beautiful closet😍💞
Feb 16Reply
splendeur @abigailynn_ - thank you ☺️🌷☺️ you're too sweet! 🌷 and right back at you, very cute closet! 💓
Feb 16Reply
abigailynn_ @splendeur thank you so much😊 have an amazing day! You're gorgeous💞
Feb 16Reply
splendeur @julia_rose - here's my let's talk listing. 😊
Feb 23Reply
cuccdn @splendeur - Hi gorgeous!❤️ have you moved and settled in yet?! Holding everything is going smooth for you🌹❤️😘
Mar 01Reply
splendeur @cuccdn - hi Denise! Yes, I'm in Perth, it's gorgeous here!! I'm loving it. However, we are still in a hotel so not so homey but we move into our house on Thursday!! 💋💓💖🌺🎊🎊🎊 I can't wait! Thanks for asking 😘💋💋
Mar 02Reply
cuccdn @splendeur - I'm so glad your there and loving it! Well, at least it's all down hill now...before you know it Thursday will here!😀 have fun putting together your new home❤️💋xoxo Oh! I have not had to the opportunity yet to check out what we spoke about, still don't know if it will fit into my lifestyle, but will keep you posted😘
Mar 02Reply
splendeur @serendipity8888 - 💓 you too!!!
Mar 22Reply
scarlettstained @splendeur hi Suhan! I thought of you today and wanted to touch base!!! How's my Hatlady friend???are you still in Korea? Or have you come back to the states? Wishing you much love and success my friend
Mar 24Reply
ladie_glam Omg you have some really good looking clothing. I love it!!
Jun 19Reply
thejanismarie Greetings from good ole Louisiana! We are certainly welcoming the cooler mornings and evenings last few weeks! Hope you are well "down under"!
Oct 02Reply
splendeur @janismarie - hi Janis!!!! Hope you're well! ❤️💕🌸 I'm hardly on pm anymore so please excuse the delayed reply. 😅 it's fall already, wow, the years are flying! It's Spring here and I'm definitely enjoying the warmer weather. 😊
Oct 05Reply
thejanismarie Hi Suhan! Greetings from Louisiana! We had a very warm Christmas, I'm sure you know if you spoke with the in-laws or your parents. We had to run the a/c since Tuesday until last night. Lots of rain and really bad weather went thru last night. All is good here my neck of the woods. Happy New Year!! 🎉🍾⚜
Dec 29Reply
splendeur @janismarie - Hi Janis!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I heard and think there is a storm coming right? I'm glad you are safe and sound :) 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Miss chatting with you!
Dec 29Reply
thejanismarie Storms gone. All safe here. Beautiful weather today day. Sunny & Clear.
Dec 29Reply
splendeur @janismarie - good, good, good ❣
Dec 29Reply
elliekrump CONGRATS!!!!! Can't wait to party with you tonight! :)
Dec 29Reply
rmccouture I hope that you are having a great time tonight Suhan! Cohosting is a lot of work, and is also the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. It is a very selfless act, and I want to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your planning. Idk if you asked a PFF to share your closet to the party, so I'm going to share as much of it as I can. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS! Happy holidays! ❤️Amanda
Dec 30Reply
splendeur @gracevanney - hey lady, I know you've been receiving a lot of messages lately. I the the lady you can't get a hold of is being a thief and you are at a loss with the stuff you sent out. However, do you think it's possible to discuss with Vicky maybe returning half? I understand this transaction has been a nightmare for you and I'm sorry. But it gets better.
Nov 20Reply
pralinequeen Greetings ! Your photos are creative and looks like you know how to model too. An invite to my Kingdom, come explore your Praline Queens closet filled with rare and unique treasures 👸👑🌹
Jul 10Reply
dmlee215 Thank you for the shares! Beautiful closet!😘 happy poshing! ✨💖✨
Aug 05Reply
splendeur @dmlee215 - my pleasure and thank you as well! 💋🌷
Aug 05Reply
gemsbyjoan Hi Suhan!!!!!! Saw you in the wheel and decided to come share my PFF. I remember you were the very 1st one to help me here on PM. CONGRATS on your pregnancy. HOW EXCITING!!!😃 Motherhood is the BEST job in the world. 🌸💕Val
Aug 06Reply
splendeur @gemsbyjoan - hey Val! Thank you 😊💓💋 It's certainly a trip! I'm sure it's worth it though 💓 thanks for the shares too!
Aug 06Reply
serenakwok @splendeur you have such a beautiful closet and lovely pieces!
Aug 18Reply
splendeur @serenakwok - thank you! ☺️☺️☺️
Aug 18Reply
theposhfinds Hi @splendeur 💕 Someone on Facebook was raving about the Mystery Box she just purchased from you and I was wondering if you had any more available?!?!? 😇🙏🏻
Sep 29Reply
splendeur @katelyngiudice - hi there, yes, I believe it was Breezy 💕. Unfortunately, like she mentioned, I only do this once or twice a year as I live abroad. I notify through Facebook groups about a month before flying back and prepare these boxes. I have to say, I believe the next time I’d be home might be next Christmas as I’m expecting a new addition to the family come end of March. 🌸
Sep 29Reply

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