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Make an Offer

Make an Offer

Make an Offer is a fast, private way to negotiate a price for items on Poshmark.

Offers are Binding

To submit an offer, you must have a valid payment method and shipping address. If an offer is accepted, payment will be processed immediately.

Offer Amounts are Private

Offers and counteroffers are only displayed to the buyer and seller. The price of the sold listing will reflect the amount of the final order price

Offer Sales Tax is Estimated

If applicable, sales tax is estimated based on the offer and may vary based on the final order price.

Offer Expiration and Cancellation

If no action is taken 24 hours after an offer is submitted, it will expire. You can make a new offer if your previous offer was declined or expired.

Buyers can cancel counteroffers until they are accepted, declined, or expired.

Multiple buyers can submit offers on the same listing. The first offer or counteroffer that is accepted will result in a sale and all remaining offers will be cancelled. If Buy Now is selected at any time, all offers will be cancelled.

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