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Updated Dec 17
Updated Dec 17

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I've been on poshmark for over 2 years and a suggested user, top 10% seller, and sold over $7000 worth of goods in the last few years here. Your question was probably my question at some point..and I've definitely learned from my fair share of mistakes in the past. So let me help you avoid them! Any question you may have, raise your hand and ask away!
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barb14isaac This is great. Thanks! I am new to poshmark so I may be asking you some questions in the near future.
Jun 09Reply
cubiclechic @barb14isaac you bet! Any question is welcome :) I'll try my best to help!
Jun 09Reply
barb14isaac Thanks again! Just wanted to be sure to respond to your response per your other post on posh etiquette 😉
Jun 10Reply
cubiclechic @barb14isaac oh you are so awesome Barbara :)!!!
Jun 10Reply
barb14isaac Thanks you too! You don't have to respond to this one I won't be offended lol or we'll go on forever. Hahah
Jun 10Reply
cubiclechic @barb14isaac and that's ok :) happy poshing!
Jun 10Reply
barb14isaac Thanks. I actually have my first question. First off thank you for following me and for sharing some of my items. I really appreciate it. It also made me think of a question. Is it ok to tag someone that has just shared or liked your items and tell them thank you to show gratitude (just "thank you" with no pressure to buy or ask them for a sale or anything) or is that against posh etiquette? Ty
Jun 10Reply
cubiclechic @barb14isaac great question! I don't think it's against the rules of etiquette but if done too much, it could become peaty.. Sometimes I appreciate the seller saying thank you but I don't think that's ever made me more likely to purchase.. so in summary, I think it's a nice gesture, but at some point you gotta think about the return on investment in terms of time you put in! My two cents :)
Jun 10Reply
barb14isaac Great answer thanks again.
Jun 10Reply
katieb79 @jcc0211 WOW You have one of the most amazing closets I've seen so far!!!! Absolutely stunning pictures, they make me (and I'm sure many others) want to buy everything! Congrats on all your success on PM, well deserved! ❤Katie
Jun 10Reply
cubiclechic @katieb79 thank you for your kind words Katie :))) happy poshing!!! 😻
Jun 10Reply
annesclothes Hi Jessica! Hope you're doing well! 💕💕Someone asked to contact me outside of Posh, about a question. Would it be against Posh rules to give her my email? I wasn't entirely sure.
Jun 10Reply
cubiclechic @annesclothes good question! I would ask them what the nature of the email is.. Or, if it's something you or that person doesn't want the rest of the people who are interested in the item to see, go to another non-related items to discuss... I personally have gone ahead and communicated via emails with people but more of a friendly basis just to get to know people more. And as far as I know it's not again PM rule... They can't stop friendships from forming right :)
Jun 10Reply
annesclothes Oh that's so true haha posh has created so many friendships, I didn't even think of that! It seems that this is an item related question, so I took your suggestion and I'm going to see if she wants to move to another post. 😊 this has been so helpful! 💕 thanks so much!
Jun 11Reply
cubiclechic @annesclothes you're welcome :)
Jun 11Reply
southernmomma23 I've listed some things that have been liked and shared but nobody's buying them. They haven't been on long- should I worry?
Jun 16Reply
cubiclechic @southernmomma23 hi Julie! I just took a look at your closet.. I love your cover shots! Very clean and clear photos! Great start! It's hard to equate how many likes you will get before an item is sold, but obviously the more the Better. So one of the quickest ways to get people to start sharing your items, is to first share others item :)
Jun 16Reply
southernmomma23 Great! Thank you! I'm right on track then, ;)
Jun 16Reply
cubiclechic (See above too) most of the time I would share 3-5 items at least just so the closet owner notices my shares. And most poshers will share back (not necessarily immediately though) and that's when the "nuclear reaction" begins.. This is how you dramatically increase your items exposure to the mass poshers out there (something like 10 million users now, from what I heard the CEO announce a few weeks ago at a live event)
Jun 16Reply
cubiclechic See above sorry forgot to copy you in second comment @southernmomma23
Jun 16Reply
danceslikefire I've seen people ask about trades. How do trades work?
Jun 17Reply
cubiclechic @danceslikefire I think the general rule of thumb is ... Just don't do it 🙊
Jun 17Reply
cubiclechic @danceslikefire cuz honestly it's really hard to ensure quality, and everyone has a subjective understanding of value so it's just risks you are putting your self into, that's my opinion 😽
Jun 17Reply
stephlucas I've asked another posher this question but would like to hear your opinion! I would like to sell some higher priced items in my closet but I'm afraid of being ripped off if I ship the item and the receiver decides to lie about the condition of the item in order to keep their money and my item. I hope this isn't something that happens much but I've heard of several bad experiences with certain scammers. Any help on how I can assure that PM is a good experience for all! Thanks in advance!
Jun 18Reply
cubiclechic @stephlucas if you want me true true true opinion.. Go sell it somewhere else, safest bet is Craigslist or something that allows you to exchange money and goods face to face of course ... Do if at a safe places. Because although poshmark is a good app and it's done it's best to help sellers out in cases of scams (the scenario you described happened to me once), it's ppl that's bad..
Jun 18Reply
cubiclechic @stephlucas and it's people you gotta be careful of. The other thing is even if someone buys your item, before you ship it you still have the right to cancel the order. So after someone purchase something, go look at their close and wall to see if they're worth your time doing business with! Sometimes they could help ;) if they look fishy, ask questions. If they sound fishy too, cancel the order and run the other way!
Jun 18Reply
stephlucas Thank you for your honest opinion!
Jun 18Reply
cubiclechic @stephlucas you bet! I have some high price items here too... I'm being kind of skeptical myself honestly so we will see!
Jun 18Reply
stephlucas A lot of people on here sell higher priced items so it must be working well for them... What are some red flags that I should look for when I have a potential buyer?
Jun 18Reply
cubiclechic @stephlucas I haven't had that many bad experiences to be able to say conclusively there are clues you could look for.. But usually people with very light history. But then that' applies for all new users so obviously that's not indicative.. Also the scammers I've dealt with would usually not engage in any communication beforehand.. So that's another potential sign but yeah not super indicative
Jun 18Reply
jabberwocky Hey PFF! Have you seen the new Suggested User feature? (The New Closets and Mentorship program?) The minute I saw that it was being implemented tomorrow, I thought of you and this post!
Jun 22Reply
cubiclechic @jabberwocky no! What is that!? Where'd you see that! But thank you so much for remembering this post you are so sweet!!!! 😍😍😍😍
Jun 22Reply
ayounglibrarian Hi @jcc0211 ! I am new here & your closet and blog are so beautiful! Thanks for this post! I have 2 questions: 1. If a buyer comments that they will buy an item "next Tues.," then next Tues. rolls around, do you remind them? Or no? 2. I was doing really great my first two weeks on Posh, but now there's a lull. How do you keep it constantly going? I can add new things, but I have 90+ items & that seems like enough for now? What do you think? Thank you!!! 😘
Jul 11Reply
cubiclechic @ayounglibrarian great questions! About people asking you to hold things... 9/10 people will vanish and forget or change their mind. So I always politely decline. But yeah if found it reasonable to accept someone request to pay on a certain day, I would remind them. And if they don't pay, still have faith in humanity! Lol.
Jul 11Reply
ayounglibrarian @jcc0211 Lol! You are awesome! Thank you! 💕💕📚👓📚💕💕
Jul 11Reply
cubiclechic @ayounglibrarian about traffic consistency, there is definitely that problem. Last month was my best month on poshmark in almost three years... And this month I've sold like 5% of what I sold last month so I have a feeling poshmark probably has some kind of algorithm that alternate different groups for diff level of exposure.. But don't be discouraged! It always comes back :) happy posting! Anymore questions just throw them my way!
Jul 11Reply
ayounglibrarian Thanks @jcc0211 ! You are a rockstar! 🙌🏻❤️💚💛💙💜
Jul 11Reply
carolina2002 Hi, how do you get rid of things that have sold in your liked list?
Jul 12Reply
cubiclechic @carolina2002 you go to that list and unlike it :) just click on like again!
Jul 12Reply
carolina2002 Thanks, I have so many on there! Is there a limit to how many items you can keep on you list of likes?
Jul 12Reply
jessiebiltz How do you sell so much!! I guess I'm pretty impatient but I just want my closet gone!!!
Jul 13Reply
cubiclechic @jessiebiltz it helps to have been here for a while :) it's been 2.5 years! U just post things and forget about them until someone asks a question so it's low maintenance! 😀
Jul 13Reply
tyss Awesome! I am new here! 🌸
Jul 13Reply
goldyloxx You have such a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing closet! I hope mine can be as cool one day, but I know that's a lot to ask for only using this app for 1 day. ❤️❤️
Jul 13Reply
jen_g1983 This was awesome to read through and so insanely helpful... Thanks!!! I signed up for PM a while ago but just started using it last week and I just learned SO much! 🙋
Jul 20Reply
cubiclechic Let me know whatever question you may have @jen_g1983 would love to help :)
Jul 20Reply
mandaram Is there any way around the $5.99 shipping? I could be shipping my items out for my customers quicker and cheaper on my own
Jul 23Reply
cubiclechic @mandaram poshmark has a discount shipping program if you drop your listing price enough (it's proportional to the level of discount you get) you get $3.99, $2.99, sometimes even free shipping. But the whole point of letting poshmark do your shipping is that they track it for you... I think as a buying customer that's an extra layer of protection.. My two cents :)
Jul 23Reply
mandaram Thank you! @jcc0211
Jul 23Reply
jessicadeweese @jcc0211 Do you know if you can pay with a prepaid card on Poshmark?
Aug 14Reply
cubiclechic @jessicadeweese is it a visa or masters? If it is, you should be able to.. That's my guess
Aug 14Reply
jessicadeweese @jcc0211 Visa, I had no idea. Thank you!!
Aug 14Reply
paislea Oh my! Has anyone seen this before? I have over 150 love notes from buyers in my closet. I went to view my profile this evening and it only shows ONE from my most recent buyer! I have worked so hard for my ratings and now they're gone? Has this happened or has anyone heard of this? Please help. 😥
Aug 27Reply
cubiclechic @paislea oh wow I've never heard of that before. I'd email poshmark.. Have you done that yet??
Aug 27Reply
paislea @jcc0211 I just did. I read online that the only way for a love note to be removed is for either myself or the buyer to remove it. However, I don't imagine that all of my buyers did that all at once. 😜 It also states once a love note is gone, it cannot be added again, so I'm hopping they can override that. I will be devastated to have lost all of my reviews. I will wait to hear what Poshmark says and keep you updated. I'm hoping it's just a glitch. Fingers crossed.
Aug 27Reply
cubiclechic @paislea it's gotta be a glitch..,. No way it's forever gone. Crossing my fingers for you!
Aug 27Reply
paislea Thank you! Thank you!!
Aug 27Reply
gabriellahunter Hi, thank you for offering this! I am wondering if there is a way to put my items into a party, or if they must be picked by Poshmark?
Aug 27Reply
cubiclechic @gabriellahunter hey! do you know how to find the party hosts? They're in all the third parties in everyday (not the first two). And you can either ask them to share your items or you can just share a lot of their closet to get them to notice your closet. I'd share 5-10 items every day to get them to notice you!
Aug 27Reply
gabriellahunter Yes, I know how to find them! Thank you, that is a great idea :). I appreciate your help! And very cute closet btw, I love it all 💗
Aug 27Reply
cubiclechic @gabriellahunter you're welcome! Making connection is key :)
Aug 27Reply
gabriellahunter Thanks for the shares and advice! 💗❤️💗
Aug 27Reply
athlete28 Hi! I'm new to poshmark and I was wondering that when we enter our credit card info to buy something, does that info get released to the seller? Thanks!
Sep 04Reply
cubiclechic @athlete28 nope! The nice thing about poshmark is that you are paying poshmark, and poshmark is paying your seller! You are safe :)
Sep 04Reply
athlete28 Ok thank you so much that was a big help!!
Sep 04Reply
katemanee Hey! I was wondering if there is a way to move your listings around your closet to organize them besides sharing?
Sep 22Reply
cubiclechic @katemanee yes! Every time you update an item it comes up to the top of your closet!
Sep 22Reply
katemanee This is the only way though? Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing an easier click and move tool or something 😋
Sep 22Reply
cubiclechic Yeah unfortunately that's the only way :/ @katemanee
Sep 22Reply
katemanee Okay thanks gal 😊😊
Sep 22Reply
glettner Can you explain selling and trading to me? I've asked like 8 different people and I'm still so confused for some reason 😂
Sep 23Reply
cubiclechic @glettner I don't trade so I can't tell you too much about it.. Personally I think it's too risky and there is so much unknown thats why I don't trade. But buying is really simple! You either hit the "buy" button and pay $4.99 shipping, or you ask/wait until the seller to lower the price, or the best way is to make an offer! That's the best way and most polite way to ask someone "will you sell this to me at price x?" Hope this helps?
Sep 23Reply
glettner Yes that helped. Thank you 😊 one more question: is putting just the printed shipping label okay or do I have to put a tracking number or return address?
Sep 23Reply
cubiclechic @glettner the label they give you has everything - all you have to do is to put it on your package and ship it! The tracking information is provided to your buyer automatically in the app as soon as the post office scans it into their system! 😁
Sep 23Reply
glettner Thank you so much! I feel much more calm now 😌
Sep 23Reply
cubiclechic @glettner any question just ask away! 😘
Sep 23Reply
cubiclechic @_taratara there really isn't any short cut to sales to be honest. It's all about accumulating likes and having really desirable items. Lowering price only works when someone is already interested.. So my suggestion would be to keep sharing! And share others closets to get them to share back! I usually share at least 5 items most of the time 10!
Sep 27Reply
lwtodd @poshgirlsglam 🌸Janna, this is a good place just to read through the thread to learn things you may not know. One thing you must do is follow all posh rules if you want serious Poshers to share your items. You have one item in your closet that would prevent a lot of people sharing because it is not considered acceptable.'s a decorative item. Lisa
Oct 01Reply
poshgirlsglam Your closet is SUPER fantastic! I used to own a clothing store here in Albuquerque for many years but then became gravely ill, and this is a fun way for me to do it on the side and still get my fix lol . My sweet husband has cancer so I stay home and care for him & me all of the time and this just gives me a bit of an outlet so I just love keeps my spirits high! :-)
Oct 01Reply
nickie_a17 Unfortunately, I only have one item available for sale right now so I've been sharing items from other closets, joined parties and received a few shares back. Is there a best time for sharing?
Oct 12Reply
cubiclechic @nickie_a17 I don't know if there is a prime time for sharing.. But one way I get someone to share back is to share at least 5-10 Items of theirs. I also look at someone's share history.. If they've only shares like 100 times or 25 times, they are either new or not a share-backer. But poshmark does recommend having at least 10 items in your closet.. Maybe that will help some share backs?
Oct 12Reply
skydel @jcc0211 hi! I have a quick question maybe you can help. I just placed an order an hour ago and noticed my old address was on there. 😁 what do I do because the seller hasn't responded yet. Do I cancel and then it becomes available to purchase again?? Or do I need to wait. (I just know that you can cancel within 3 hrs). Thank you 😍
Oct 21Reply
cubiclechic @skydel as far as I know you can cancel the item before the seller ships it. So I would cancel it ASAP. And ask the seller to relist it so u can buy again! I think that's the only way..
Oct 21Reply
skydel @jcc0211 thx for quick response. FYI I was able to cancel and then re-purchase right away. 😀
Oct 21Reply
cubiclechic @skydel yay!! Good for you :)
Oct 21Reply
girl_boss Hey! I Love your store, and would love to get some insight and experience from you about how you manage to sell so successfully on here. Would you mind Sharing your email with me so I can pick your brain so to speak and learn from your experience?
Nov 10Reply
cubiclechic @girl_boss of course :) it's I also have a blog and have written about my poshmark experience.. It's feel free to check it out!
Nov 10Reply
hotcocoa3 Wonderful conversations!! Great post & thank you for this opportunity to ask any questions.... Btw your closet is super cute! I'm wondering how you've been able to get so much follows? 2nd? Would you says Shares gets more follows or simply just following will create follows too? I would love to market my items to a wider audience. Enjoying Posh 🌍
Nov 25Reply
cubiclechic @hotcocoa3 thank you for dropping by and all your kind words :) it's good to have more followers, but I can tell you from personal experience that it does not guarantee you more success. The key to exposure in poshmark is sharing, especially other people's closets.. So you get people to share back, and then that is how you're exposure is achieved. If I don't share and just let my closet sit, nothing really happens.
Nov 25Reply
cubiclechic @hotcocoa3 Also, @vance289 has a blog that focuses on poshmark tips and tricks - feel free to check it out! It's got a lot of information you may find helpful!
Nov 25Reply
cfeuer Hi! Thanks for doing this!! A few questions for you - 1) what do you use to make the pictures like in this posting and for follow games, etc.? 2) what do you think about thanking people for Likes? Nice? Too pushy? Too time consuming? Thanks! 💕
Nov 30Reply
cubiclechic @cfeuer hey there! Good questions! Download these two apps they will change your poshmark game (both free) one is called line deco u can download a bunch of free square graphics and another app called studios where you can edit these images. About likes, I don't respond to them because it's too time consuming but also a bit meaningless.. If they like it enough they will buy it :) THEN you can thank them for becoming a customer! hope this helps!
Nov 30Reply
cfeuer Awesome! Thanks so much for the recommendation, advice, and speedy response. I just made my first picture for a follow game! Mind if I tag you to help get me started?
Nov 30Reply
cubiclechic @cfeuer nope not at all! Tag away :) my friend Elle @vance289 has a blog on a ton of great poshmark how-to's ...u can visit her page to check out her blog if you want too!
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic I'm so glad I bookmarked this! I made my first sale last week (yay!), but have been unable to ship since. The buyer let me know her address on the label was incorrect (she updated after making the purchase). I emailed support right away and requested a new label. That was 5-6 days ago and still nothing. My question is: can I hand write the address on the label and cross out the incorrect address? Thanks so much!
Nov 30Reply
cubiclechic @melrouse215 congrats on your first sale! And the quick answer is no.. You should not try to hand write address. The shipping label created by poshmark is a convenience to you as the seller but also a tracking method. This allows poshmark to confirm something has been shipped and also received. Without the label, you won't necessarily be able to get paid! Glad you asked 😄
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic me too! Thanks so much! I sell my twins clothes on another app and run into the same issue with their support. I've had it take 2 weeks before getting a response. It delays shipping, makes for unhappy buyers/sellers, etc. so knowing posh is the same, I'm not sure I even want to sell here anymore. Very disappointing. I guess after going through it for so long with another app, I just don't have patience for it with a second. Anyway, thank you for your help!
Nov 30Reply
cubiclechic @melrouse215 I guess I'm curious how many times have you run into a problem like this when a buyer has a wrong address on profile? In my personal experience after selling here for three years I've run into it twice and I don't remember those cases being too stressful and poshmark has always been very helpful. But I totally can relate with the frustration you have!
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic this is my first time having this issue. My only other contact with posh support was a return I needed to make. I never heard back from them, so I just kept what I needed to return. I wondered if they never received my request. So I followed up this time 😊
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic I think my frustration comes from the poor support/response time on the other app I use, and now seeing support here is slow or non responsive as well. I'm a single working mom of almost two year old twins. So I don't have the time or desire to wait a week + for help from support, while worrying about the buyer being unhappy/canceling altogether etc.
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic I ship same or next day on the other app, except when I need help from support. Then it is usually delayed 1-2 weeks. On the other app, if you bundle two items, it automatically changes the shipping to the 2lb rate of 6.99. But most of the time (since its children's clothes), it should still be the 13oz and under price of 3.99.
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic Requesting a new label to save the buyer money can mean a huge delay in shipping time. That's just one example. But my frustration is mainly spilling over from there, now that I'm having the same problem here. It probably makes me look very impatient 😁 but I do this when my kids are sleeping, and don't want to take time away from them for simple things needed from support. I hope that makes sense!
Nov 30Reply
cubiclechic @melrouse215 totally understand! We all have lives outside of poshmark ;) I know it sometimes becomes unbearably demanding just to do the admin support to keep a running closet, not to mention all the curve ball life may throw at you! I think in my experience poshmark has never had a communication issues.. But i did notice last week things were a bit slow but I am chalking that up to thanksgiving.. So I wish u the best of luck in your correspondence with them!
Nov 30Reply
melrouse215 @cubiclechic yes, I was wondering if they were backed up with Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate you taking the time to help!!
Nov 30Reply
tezza630 Lol! The best part is the kitty paw, but the listing itself is brilliant! 💚😽
Dec 01Reply
cubiclechic @tezza630 thank you 😘
Dec 01Reply
cubiclechic @mandyten220 good question Mandy! I actually never actively followed people (unless they have interesting closets that I think I would buy from) even before I had a lot of followers. The followers is something that comes about over time.. And I'll be honest with you it's pretty much has nothing to do with how easily you sell something. The secret sauce is in sharing .. The more you share the more traffic and exposure you get.
Dec 01Reply
cubiclechic @mandyten220 so I wouldn't even worry about following people or asking people to follow. Just find the closets you really like, focus on sharing those, and find closets that have really high number of "shares" (there is a reason why that number is up there!) because they're likely to share back! I hope this helps :)
Dec 01Reply
cubiclechic @mandyten220 no problem! I also just looked at your closet.. Just keep doing what you're doing, interact with poshmark on social media (Instagram and Twitter) you have very nice photos and products. I am sure you will get the kind of attention u need in no time!
Dec 01Reply
cubiclechic @mandyten220 check back with me in the future if things still are stagnant!
Dec 01Reply
cubiclechic @mandyten220 glad to be of help!
Dec 01Reply
missrenee2 @cubiclechic Hi I am Renee and I am new here to Poshmark! I will bookmark this thank you for helping out us newbies! 😍
Dec 02Reply
heavenlyone2894 Hi Jessica great closet and Happy Holidays!!🎄🎄 You are just the person I need because I want to have a sale on my eyeglass frames and I do not know how to get a message on the newsfeed? I've looked and have no clue so I would appreciate your help and I'm trying to move my items it's not bad but it could be better. Suggestions? Thanks so much.
Dec 16Reply
cubiclechic @heavenlyone2894 glad to be of help! Are you trying to get message from other people, or to comment on your items?
Dec 16Reply
wrappedingray Hi! Love your closet! I have a question..why would anyone want to communicate about an item outside of PM? For example after exchanging a few comments about an item they asked me if I would communicate via text message. I said no, but I'm just curious if this is a sign that something shady is afoot?
Dec 18Reply
cubiclechic @sbreezyx all poshmark exposure is pretty much based on how much you share, and it's not just sharing your own stuff but sharing other people's items as well. As long as you start sharing regularly, and interacting with people regularly, you will get noticed and your stuff will get shared! - which is ultimately how they're gonna get sold. Hope This helps!
Jan 26Reply
cubiclechic @eoanthoughts you bet I'll take a look! Yea it's not exactly typical to wait 5 days before you get he shopping notification but I'll admit as a seller I've done that to my buyer befor.. You know, life happens. The best thing to do is just to check with them! You can leave them comment under the same listings. Also look at their profile before you buy to see if they're experienced sellers!
Jan 26Reply
cubiclechic @eoanthoughts let me know if you have any other question.. I love helping people out! Many people helped me when I first started that's how I gained all the knowledge I have. Also, @vance289 has a blog that's talks exactly about the in's and out's of how to use poshmark. Do check it out!
Jan 26Reply
ekrexy @cubiclechic thank you so much for being a mentor! I've been a buyer on posh for a while but only recently started selling. Do you take all your own photos? I'd like my closet to look more professional
Jan 29Reply
cubiclechic @ekrexy yes I do! Like 90% anyway. If you have an iPhone it should be sufficient. Just make absolutely sure you have plenty of natural light!!
Jan 29Reply
cubiclechic @ekrexy and let me know if you ever have more specific questions. Id be happy to answer!
Jan 29Reply
ekrexy @cubiclechic thank you so much! I really appreciate it ☺️ I do have another question actually, do you purchase your items specifically to sell in your closet or do you just list things that you've bought but don't use?
Jan 29Reply
spc_closet @cubiclechic Awesome post! I have a question about one of your responses above where you recommend downloading "Line Deco" and "Studios". I have downloaded Line Deco, but can't figure out which "Studios" you're recommending. Can you give me more info to find it in the App Store?
Feb 01Reply
jupiter101 Any suggestions for someone just starting out??
Feb 01Reply
cubiclechic @jupiter101 suggestion for beginner is alwyss "share, share, share!" Let me know if this doesn't make sense or you want to know why!
Feb 02Reply
jupiter101 @cubiclechic thank you for the advice and the follow and the shares!! Yes it makes sense. I like how the love is shared here!
Feb 02Reply
jupiter101 I just got a notification that one of my items was added to a bundle. What exactly does that mean and how does it work? I looked in the FAQ and couldn't find anything.
Feb 03Reply
designlovecali @cubiclechic thank for all of the helpful hints. I'm new and really appreciate you
Feb 21Reply
cubiclechic @jessie761 I'd just provide all the info you have. And then update the product description with all that info so you don't have to answer one by one in the future! And if they're really interested... They wouldn't care if you're pushy or not :)
May 15Reply
hazelandhope Just stopping by to say I adore your closet and thank you so much for taking the time to post this. As a new posher it can get overwhelming really fast. @1stclassgems check this out!
May 26Reply
rayanna86 Help please! :)
May 31Reply
allixnwitt Hi @cubiclechic thanks so much for this post! I receive a good amount of shares on the items in my closet so far, but not many people are liking the items. I know likes are important because that's how buyers receive notifications of price drops- any tips?
May 31Reply
cubiclechic @allixnwitt that's a good question .... But unfortunately there aren't any ways to "hack" likes if you know what I mean! They're very different from the likes you get on Instagram, and mean very different things. I personally only like something if I actually see myself buying it at some point. So .. It really comes down to the product's desirability and covetshot :)
Jun 01Reply
cubiclechic @allixnwitt hope that was helpful!!
Jun 01Reply
cubiclechic @allixnwitt having taken a look at your closet, I can tell brightening your photos and improving the quality of your images should give you a head start on getting likes!
Jun 01Reply
allixnwitt @cubiclechic it does! Thank you!
Jun 01Reply
carolineconway Hi!! Just want to say I love your closet! I'm new to posh. Trying to get the hang of it since I am in midst of big closet clean out. Might be coming back with any questions :)
Jun 22Reply
cubiclechic @carolineconway thank you for mind words ;) let me know if you have any questions!
Jun 22Reply
cubiclechic @carolineconway you have a super nice closet!! Give me a holler every few days to share your closet!!!
Jun 22Reply
carolineconway @cubiclechic thank you thank you!! thats so nice :) I'll keep sharing yours too :)
Jun 22Reply
hila808 Hey beautiful! Mahalo for all the shares! Am I going to see you at Poshfest this October? @cubiclechic
Jun 28Reply
cubiclechic @hila808 YES MA'AM!! ARen't you excited??!
Jun 28Reply
hila808 Yippee!!! Yes I'm very excited. Now we need to make sure we catch each other the beginning not the last hour 😂 So glad though to have met you in person! 🙌😘 @cubiclechic
Jun 28Reply
cubiclechic @hila808 yes! And you're from around LA right??
Jun 28Reply
hila808 Yes I'm currently in LA right now. How about you? @cubiclechic
Jun 28Reply
cubiclechic @hila808 I'm in San Diego!
Jun 28Reply
hila808 Ooh that's right! See you soon lovely! October is approaching 😁 @cubiclechic
Jun 28Reply
kellycolen Your closet is Amazing!Great gesture of you to help and answer all those questions!!!👏🏻God Bless You!Sucess💕💐
Jul 02Reply
unirose @cubiclechic how many days will it take if you have a case in review? its not fair coz my item has not been ship back and the payment is still hold by posh, its been 5 days now :(
Jul 03Reply
cubiclechic @unirose sorry to hear that! It's happened to me before too. But I've never had anything not resulting in my favor in my 3 years on posh. It may take a little longer especially when holiday is around. Many occasions just resulted it poshmark giving me refund back regardless of what the buyer did. But have a little more patience.. You will get your money back! 😁
Jul 03Reply
unirose @cubiclechic thank you it relieved me 😊👍❤️❤️❤️
Jul 03Reply
cubiclechic @cltaylor1982 hi Christy! Yeah it's really hard to quantify how much time I put in.. But it is kind of a commitment. If I were you I would prioritize taking excellent cover shots and sharing about 50-100 items everyday. If that's too much time, at least 20-50 but make sure you are consistent. Hope that helps??
Jul 31Reply
marissalc Hi there! Thank you so much for posting this and helping out us Poshmark newbies! As a brand new posher my concern is buyers that have a pretty vacant closet and/or little activity no shares etc. Should I be wary of this? Also, if I make a sale through the app is there still a possibility of a scam? Thank you again!!!
Aug 02Reply
thing2and3 How do I get more followers?
Aug 03Reply
mgnbaker7 You probably already answered this. But what do I do when a buyer is complaining that an item is not as described when it was new with tags and even shipped with the orginal shopping bag from purchase. I didn't remember to take photos when shipping so all I have is the photos from the listing. How can I defend myself?
Aug 18Reply
sydnielovely Hi Jessica! I hope I can get a reply from you. I just made my first sale but noticed a flaw on the item while inspecting it. I notified the buyer immediately but I was wondering what I should do if she doesn't respond? I heard that PM has a 3 hour window to cancel an order and remove the SOLD banner. Should I cancel the order myself before the 3 hours is up to avoid a case filed against me for item not as described? Thank you for your time, hope to hear from you soon!
Sep 22Reply
cubiclechic @sydnielovely hey Syndie! Good question... it's always good to err on the side of caution. What you don't want is shipping the item out and have the buyer not happy and leave you a bad review. So I would just hold onto the item now, try to contact the buyer at least 2 times a day. If you don't hear back, email poshmark and let them know of the situation. I think if the flaw is big enough where you think it could upset the buyer, don't ship it.
Sep 22Reply
cubiclechic @sydnielovely sorry I typed your name wrong earlier Sydnie! I hope that helps.. let me know if it does! 😍😍
Sep 22Reply
sydnielovely @cubiclechic thank you so much for replying! She ended up telling me she still wanted the item, but to be safe I cancelled the sale and created a new listing detailing the new flaws and discounted it just a bit for the inconvenience! And no worries about the name haha, happens all the time :) thanks again!
Sep 22Reply
cubiclechic @sydnielovely smart girl!! That's exactly what I would've done. Better safe than sorry!!
Sep 22Reply
sydnielovely 😍☺️
Sep 22Reply
allureofbrazil @cubiclechic love this post 😍
Nov 03Reply
lemonsnlyme What would be your number one biggest tip for someone new to posh mark wanting to sell?
Nov 28Reply
cubiclechic @lemonsnlyme looking at your closet, I feel like you have the basic down already. I'd just say keep sharing and shared strategically! Meaning find ppl that are likely to share back based on that "shared" number on their profile!
Nov 28Reply
poohbr73 @cubiclechic hi im new and well my first purchase worked out great but i tried to buy 2 other items but both sellers took so long to respond that both orders got cancelled. ...are you notified once someone buys off your site or do you have to keep checking?
Jan 05Reply
cubiclechic @poohbr73 good question!! Honestly I'm quilty of that too sometimes. The app does notify you but if you turn off your notification, then you have email notification is your only reminder. I would say that's really rare though, cuz after you sell something, poshmark sends you multiple reminders. You have to be really negligent to let it slip thru completely..
Jan 06Reply
poohbr73 @cubiclechic ok thank you. Btw turns out one of the sellers sent the item and i now need to figure out how to send payment because it was an item i really liked and poshmark already refunded me my money. Any suggestions
Jan 07Reply
cubiclechic @poohbr73 I would ask your seller to go to poshmark and ask poshmark to resolve everything
Jan 08Reply
poohbr73 @cubiclechic thank you. ..i did and they resolved it. Thanks for quick response and helpful tips.
Jan 11Reply
dirtygirly Yay! I love this!! I have a question....I have had people ask if they can purchase 2 of the same item. Ie: earrings. I listed it as multiple OS, but people cant purchase multiples! Lame!! What is the best way to get around that?!?! TIA!!
Jan 17Reply
cubiclechic @dirtygirly I think if you just create one separate item (let's say you have one listing of 5, split that into one of 3, one of 1 and another one of 1) and them have them bundle the two together? I think that should work??
Jan 17Reply
nicweb113 @cubiclechic Hi Jessica! Reading through this post has been so helpful, thank you! I have a couple of questions, maybe you already answered them, there was a lot to read through! 1) Does sharing your items multiple times to a party increase exposure or is once enough? 2) May be an obvious answer, but do you claim your PM sales when doing your taxes? Even if you're just selling your closet and not a boutique? Thank you!!
Feb 11Reply
snappymamma @cubiclechic so maybe a way around would be to initially list high so there is room to drop to a reasonable selling price?
Jun 22Reply
time_warpdrobe @debijodee Here's another great post. Also visit @pm_editor to get guidelines directly from the source! Hope this helps :)
Aug 06Reply
pwormenheimer Hi! Everybody that interested on my item asked the same question about email and the funds idk what is that for do you think its a scam ?
Jun 09Reply
lzfoster257 My customer just accepted my offer and finalized the purchase. NOW she is buying another item but how can I bundle them when one is already purchased?
Sep 29Reply
patriciahackney It seems people are getting frustrated because the app. accepts the address then unaccepts it. How do I reply to the sellers giving up. I do not see a place for comment when a seller responds to me.
Oct 12Reply
shoeseyme When I receive a notification that a buyer has additional questions for one of my listings, I go to the website and click reply to respond to the potential buyer. Is this correct or should AI be using comment? Hope this isn’t a stupid question
Oct 22Reply
aebort0887 can u direct me in how to sell my clothes pillows and fleece blankets on here please? and how much
Nov 14Reply
mmbigham thank you! I have written about customer service asking about starting my boutique. when they answer me, where will I find my response?
Dec 08Reply
abby370 @cubiclechic hello! May i ask some questions? 🤗 I’m little confused I sold a $30 dress and I’ll get $21 🤯 I’m totally confused about ( Poshmark provides a flat rate of $7.45 for expedited shipping on all orders. This shipping fee is paid for by the buyer. ) ( I offered 4.99 ) pls need help!
Mar 08Reply
abby370 oh no! nvm I just got really confused but I understand now 🥲😅
Mar 08Reply
jessiet2119 How do I look at a suggested listing from my email? I want to look at something specific but whenever I click on the link in my email, it just sends me to the generic brand. I wanted to look at a certain pair of Vans for example. I clicked on them and it took me to the whole brand page instead of the specific listing. How do I navigate the emails and get them to take me directly to that specific listing?
May 26Reply
kvon99 I just sold an item and the buyer asked me to delay shipping while she is on vacation, putting the day I would mail the package at about 18 days after the sale. I have all the communication about this in a Bundle, but now I'm scared. Is this a bad thing? Will it harm my rating?
Jun 16Reply
mavaflav123 @cubiclechic Hi! As a brand new user, I was wondering what the best questions are to ask sellers when buying a product to make sure that it is legitimate and in good condition. What are your go to questions, or what do you typically look for to determine this?
Jun 20Reply
scherrinader Hello, I am new to Poshmark and I have so many questions lol. But as I am trying to list a Stewart Lang blouse how can I tell if the blouse is vintage
Jul 06Reply
anasophia8888 Hi I need to sell a closet full of clothes that are plus sized They are above average quality and many pieces are new I am getting a little frustrated Do u know anyone in miami I can pay just to walk me thru the ropes I am an artist and suck at computer stuff Thanks Ana Sophia .. Creator Curvygirlzrock
Jul 16Reply
0o0o0o0 Here’s a question. Just bought something and it had a crushed cookie and a tube of used Carmex in the pocket. What kind of “ review” would one give? I don’t even want it now so I plan to have it cleaned and reposh. But I don’t want them to think it was a good or respectable sale but don’t want to sound cruel either. Suggestions welcome as I’m new.
Jul 18Reply
dat5757 I've been on Poshmark for over a year now, but in just the last 2 days I've gotten a ton of new followers. It's great but when I go to follow back, I've come across account after account that have no listings are are following EXACTLY 141 people. It actually got a bit freaky! Are there bot accounts?
Jul 24Reply
lls154 I just started listing today. For some reason only one of my three listings is showing up in my closet. What did I do wrong? Thank you for your help.
Apr 12Reply
marmysstuff I have many questions about POSH. Can I ask them here? I wanted to ask the people on POSH but I don't even know how to do that? I feel so confused. I don't know my way around this so called "user friendly" site. Can you help me?
Jun 01Reply

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