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Updated Sep 10
Updated Sep 10


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dorothynancy @summerchance awwww😍😍😍
Aug 08Reply
rockkuntz How cute!!!
Aug 09Reply
kreativekristen Priceless ;)
Aug 09Reply
shop_essentials Omg!!! How adorable!! What kind of dog?
Aug 10Reply
tiffikaufmann Awww I need this helper!!!
Aug 10Reply
summerchance @shoppermaj Hi Melissa sorry 2ake so long 2espond, things have been kinda crazy in my life & I'm finding it nearly impossible 2be where ever I'm supposed 2be doing what ever I'm supposed 2be doing at any given time.....In fact I'd say I'm losing it but that would require remembering what it was that I lost, Hee! But what would life be without crazy making things 2challenge one's creativity & joy.....
Aug 11Reply
summerchance @shoppermaj Chance is a multi generational Australian Labradoodle that's a mouthful. I think the cost of the puppy goes up exponentially with the amt of syllables added 2a dog's breed name. He's my best friend & constant companion. Everything I do he requires he be a part of it helping. He's far 2smart 4me & I've kinda reached the end of what I can think of 2teach him. It's terribly embarrassing 2have a pup that's smarter than me, but I guess "if the shoe fits...." Do you have any critters?
Aug 11Reply
summerchance @dorothynancy Here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾 💕🐾
Aug 11Reply
summerchance @rockkuntz Hi here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾 💕 🐾
Aug 11Reply
summerchance @mimmy53055 Thank you! Here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾 💕🐾
Aug 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen @maryphanalia @cfreemanfl @dimndgrl @wanzhu @iqclothessavvy 😆😆The crazy cool thing is Chance LOVES to help! He did this all on his own. I was on the main floor of my home taking pics of clothes for PM & he ran upstairs found a hanger & brought it to me! If I hadn't had the tablet in my hand right when he came back I never would've got these pics. Everybody needs a self starter helper😊😊
Aug 11Reply
tiffikaufmann @summerchance LOL I have a cat attacking my feet when I walk by, a dog smaller than the cat that steals everything and a toddler girl running off with my heels and able to unlock my phone to call AAA. Can we trade?
Aug 11Reply
cfreemanfl That's just TOO fabulous for words! Not only is he adorable but he's also amazing. 😉. He must like the extra money you're making... I see more dog bones as his motive 😘
Aug 11Reply
phrontistery How cute!! Dogs are really the best helpers there are 😋
Aug 11Reply
cattyo Hello my sweet friend! Cutest pictures! Chance is so so precious!
Aug 12Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I miss U, U good? Steven's doing remarkably well doesn't need me any more so he says. Can't argue with a man let alone man who's also captain & dr. Hee! So now I'm sick think it's stress or old age!? Worshiping porcelain god & sleeping lots & lots, did I mention lots of sleeping? Got back 2 PM & had joyous experience of having 2brand new poshers take dumps all over 2listings, had 2delete listings, would've preferred deleting them (hee).
Aug 12Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Then I get this CRAZY & I do mean sick crazy who likes & bundles my entire closet over & over. She begins dialog which must've made sense 2her but was clearly 1banana short of a banana split. She has listings of herself wearing hosp bracelet standing in white room devoid of furniture. I'm talking lock the doors keep your pet bunny with U at all times sick! Gonna tag U a listing of mine with her comment U be on watch out. I see her posts all over & no I'm not paranoid.
Aug 12Reply
sg1771 Aww.. Summer.. He is just the cutest!! Give him bugs hugs and kisses from me and my dog Miley!!💋💋💋
Aug 13Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Hey sweet girl how'ya doing? Somehow I'm partially awake at 9ish am & just happened 2notice makeup party going on so shared the part of your closet that applied as I continued 2share your closet 2my followers. Of course I know less than absolutely nothing bout makeup, I don't even know how 2use it let alone what 2use so I just kept trying 2 share 2the party & some took most not. It was a specific brand party I guess. Wow there's some crazy cool names 4 makeup!
Aug 14Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Sorry Ur having 2deal with so many drs' apts it's a soul sucking experience isn't it? Ya almost have 2be well in order 2endure being unwell. May I ask what kinds memory problems are U having? I don't know anything bout the injections Ur getting, are they 4rheumatoid arthritis? but hopefully the medicine & its effects are worth the misery afterward. Wish I culd check in on U personally but I guess U've got some good family 4that. Let me know how Ur feeling!
Aug 14Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Kidneys shutting down dear girl doesn't sound like really sick, more like dying! Was that recently? You've really had more than your share of suffering, I'm sooo sorry. Who knew this is where life would lead us.....Please know you're always in my thots & I'm sending you positive energy. (The one less banana thing was my little made up attempt at humor that's why you've never heard it before.) Here's a hug or 3!
Aug 14Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia OH MY GAWD! & I thot I ruled realm of most bizarre 1off near death experiences but U got me beat girl! Means I got2 hand over the tongue dispenser &bed pan (scepter & crown) but I'm gonna keep the keys (instant breakfasts) cuz that's all I can hold down. Hee!! Yeow just reading Ur latest gave me goose flesh or do U say chicken skin? I was known 4my big fat mouth & rapid fire sarcasm, always came easy also fact retention, never lost a proper debate now not so much.
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Ur memory issues seem alot like mine but mine are classic left temporal lobe brain damage due 2blunt impact injury the nite Ms face met Mr steering wheel & Mr steering wheel won, sigh. Steven sez he's doing remarkably well. I've not seen much of him, he's been gone last 3days on boat with a buddy, so I'd say he's doing very well. My back & leg are finally much better, my jaw, face, ears, head aren't. Seeing jaw surgeon Thurs he'll prob request another MRI.
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Jaw face head pain's exquisite; hard 2work around thru or with but it's what I gotta do, U know how that goes. Wks go by without me being able 2leave house. Think I'm getting depressed, U feel sorry 4me yet? Hee! sorry 2be whiney crybaby it'll get better. Keep falling asleep trying 2return shares, yesterday Posher fr Hawaii msg'd me she'd get my new Samsonite bag in mail asap. Thank gawd she had me confused with some1 else & I really hadn't bought it in my sleep!
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia BTW, did you ever see my msg 2U bout Ur other crystal bangle bracelet? I'd asked U if it was as sparkly as the set I bought from U for my girlfriend. I see it's on sale & was thinking bout buying it......Your turn now to tell me about your world some more please. I've waaaaaay over shared......Summer Smiles!
Aug 15Reply
ele226 I just love that your closet is color coded! It makes me smile every time I look through your things! Amazing! And your dog 🐶 💕💗 is adorable!! 😘
Aug 16Reply
sloanek Awwww! Hehe!
Aug 16Reply
summerchance @ele226 Thanks for the great compliments! I appreciate that you took the time to let me know, now I've got a smile on my face too! Summer 🌷🌷🌷
Aug 16Reply
014 Awww cute dog:)))
Aug 16Reply
illherm Thanks so much for all your likes doll! Enjoy your weekend.
Aug 20Reply
illherm * shares lol
Aug 20Reply
adighinga Aww thanks for sharing this is so cute!
Aug 20Reply
summerchance @mgsmitty Isn't it amazing how incredibly smart these guys are? My husband & I were just having a conversation about that & how many words & commands Chance understands. I'd love to see a pick of your doodle! Do you have one in your closet? 🌷🌷🌷Summer
Aug 22Reply
summerchance @illherm Likes & Shares, pretty much the same to me; was fun sharing your awesome listings! 🌷🌷🌷Summer
Aug 22Reply
summerchance @adighinga Thanks so much! Just wish Chance had told me he was going to get the hanger from upstairs then I could've been prepared to take the pics & they wouldn't have been so blurry. 😆😊😆🌷🌷🌷Summer
Aug 22Reply
zardiva1 @summerchance Chancey help Mommy! That's a *GOODIE* big boy! LOL 😄 You look so sweet and huggable in these pics - awww! 😊💕💜💕😘
Aug 23Reply
cattyo Sending hugs and love to you and precious Chance! ❤️❤️😘😘🤗
Aug 23Reply
summerchance @cattyo Thank you sweet girl. Really made my week with your out of the blue comment....How goes it for you?
Aug 25Reply
kreativekristen Let me know if you want more party flyers , and thanks for new ones, I have decided to only share those that have the date on the first pic... It saved me a lot of time. I do try to get the word out that doing that helps those who share ;)
Aug 27Reply
briewineposh Hey Summer! No need to tag me on those listings. I appreciate you thinking of me, but I don't do that every day anymore :( 😁💗
Aug 28Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hi how ya doing? Sure blast over more fliers I'd luv em. I'm also noting Ur closet in my congrats msg 2host on each flier b4 sending flier 2U, figure every little bit helps. Wow am I behind! Trying 2dig myself out b4 going on a trip I don't want 2do. Don't know how it happened but I'm 6host picks behind in thanking every1 & sharing host's closets. Learned at Posh U the correct way 2thank host 4a pick is 2share her entire closet! ARGH!
Aug 28Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance interesting way to thank host, I do my like to share, think that gives more exposure as I share to any party it applys to til it sells or gets a host pic, I m feeling better health wise( guess meds help), but life, trying to evict subletters from hell... Not fun, where are you going?
Aug 28Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Had MRI yesterday at diff facility than usually go2 &got burned on my face, chin &stomach. Burn on my chin is worst. Guess due 2all the metal in my face/jaw bones. Steven's doing much worse his liver's enlarged &he's become massively fatigued which is causing him 2lash out; very new behavior. Leaving this Fri 2take a cruise 2Alaska aboard 1of those mega ships where U can't even tell Ur on the water. Promised Steven I'd go with him but I've never had any desire 2go 2Alaska.
Aug 28Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Subletters? You've got people living with you? What's up with them???? Oh man I'm totally sorry, that sucks!!
Aug 28Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I have a 2 room basment( separate entrance) I survive on posh income so I need a way to pay rent... Anyway turns out they cost more then I was getting from them( I took $400 and said I d pay utilities, mine are $75 a months ... Subletters$225 ;)... Yes a mess anyway landlord also want then gone do , I gave to be mean but I have another renter to move in for more $$$ as soon as they leave... Meanwhile this makes me feel more yuk then my illness ;$
Aug 28Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance poor thing you... And tell Steven I said the fatigue feels like the day before a women starts their period, so now he knows.... I call it ' I sing my body electric'the fatigue...
Aug 28Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance and wait ... The MRI... What ... This is not something they should gave been prepared for... Like getting a perscription for prednisone and then reading up on how I should be taking it and modify my schedule accordingly... Can't even imagine the burn pain , from the inside out?... Lord just breathe and sleep on the trip...but maybe the cooler air will be invigorating for all.. Hay I m trying...
Aug 28Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hi sorry 2go awol was it just yesterday? Feels like a yr ago. Steven had severe problem needed immediate attention. Looks like we may be cancelling trip. His liver &tumors went berserk fast as someone turning on lite switch; it's horrible. I'm losing him Kristen.
Aug 29Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance my heart goes out to you with all the love and support I can give, focus on what you need to do for yourself and those you love, you can do this ...
Aug 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Feel like I'm losing it sweetie.
Aug 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I'm losing him. It's terrible what's happening to him. His abdomen is protruding enuf 2look like there's a volley ball in there. There's nothing I can do. He went from "Mr on the boat energy guy" 2lethargic & can barely move. Still don't have any answers, waiting for more scans 2be done tomorrow & his oncologist is away for next 2wks.
Aug 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Ditto, same deal.
Aug 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Really? I dunno why I'm dumbfounded I guess I shouldn't be. I'm scared. I can barely take care of me & oh well I'm just scared. Starting over the first 3 times I knew I'd make it, I had time. Starting over now, not so much time. We both thot he'd outlive me. You're being my friend is more than enuf.
Aug 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia How are you? You still got the dirty water thing happening every couple hrs? & how's anxiety?
Aug 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Me too, it breaks my heart to know your life is too often reduced to this horrible suffering & trying to just make it to the next minute, & then the next & & &. There are no easy answers or maybe there just are no answers. Do you have anyone to help?
Aug 30Reply
bgab @summerchance awww he is adorable!! Not up for a trade I assume 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
Sep 01Reply
texgalincali1 He is Devine !!!
Sep 01Reply
kreativekristen Just sending thoughts of strength and love your way...
Sep 01Reply
cattyo 😘❤️
Sep 01Reply
summerchance @ajewel621 Hi sorry I wasn't able 2respond 2your offer sooner but I'm a day sleeper & just started my day. I accepted your offer on my Free People Agusta Flare Jeans but 4some reason I don't understand/haven't seen b4 PM messgd me they need 2contact U 1st b4 sale can go thru. Just wanted 2give U a confidential heads up in a neutral listing so U know hold up isn't on my part. 🌹Summer
Sep 02Reply
missilaneous Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous closet😍😍😍thank you for sharing my party announcements😘your color coded closet totally appeals to the OCD in me😂
Sep 09Reply
garfield10 I love your closet and the color story!!!!! Fun items!!! 😀😀😀😀
Sep 10Reply
tiffsstyles74 Super cute baby and closet!😊
Sep 10Reply
frodriguez I'll buy this ne no question! Gorgeous!
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @missilaneous My pleasure, always fun to share party announcements! Thank you for the lovely compliment on my closet; guess we share the old thing.....🤔😎
Sep 12Reply
summerchance @garfield10 Thank you so very much, totally appreciate your kind words! 🌹Summer
Sep 12Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen @cfreemanfl @maryphanalia @cattyo @dimndgrl @justice10forme @shoppermaj My husband is in ER now & will be admitted to hospital, End Stage, prayers please for the love of my life Dr Steven Promisloff my husband, Closet closed unknown duration. Thank you Summer
Sep 17Reply
shop_essentials Oh Summer, I am so sorry 😪. I will be praying for you and your entire family. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. You are in my thoughts. Big {{hug}} Xo, Melissa 💕
Sep 17Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance no words for the sorrow I feel for you , strength and love I send your way ...
Sep 17Reply
shoplunagrace @summerchance Summer, Just know sweetie that you have a lot of PFF's that will be praying for your husband, you and your family. I will add you to my prayer warrior group.💕😘💨💨🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sep 18Reply
cattyo I'm so so sorry Summer. Texting you now love.
Sep 18Reply
cfreemanfl Dearest Summer, my love and prayers to you and Steven. Please text me at your convenience and let me know what I might do to help you in this time of need. God bless 💕
Sep 18Reply
budjatom Aww 🐕☘
Sep 29Reply
bullover Love your dog pictures.
Oct 10Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thanks sweet girl, appreciate U checking in. Worst experience of my entire life. Didn't think I culd possibly stand any more heartache, sure as heck got that wrong. Would've given anything, anything 2save him but no matter what I tried he just slipped from my grasp.
Oct 15Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia 2day was our anniversary. 1st year I actually got the day right. His obituary is in The tears won't stop just as the nightmare is never ending. U wuld not believe some of the things that have happened....I can hardly believe it & it's happening 2me.
Oct 15Reply
misstscloset @summerchance Thank you so much for all the shares! You have an awesome closet and your fur baby is precious! :)
Oct 18Reply
puffin40 @summerchance soooo cute!! 💕🐶
Oct 19Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you......sending you big fat hugs!!!
Oct 20Reply
summerchance @misstscloset Sorry I missed your comment until now, thank you so much for your complements, I appreciate you taking the time to message me. Summer
Oct 23Reply
summerchance @puffin40 Thanks so much from me👣 & Chance🐾🐾
Oct 23Reply
leoninus @summerchance Awww, now that's a cool looking dog!
Oct 28Reply
herbiedog Life wouldn't be complete without the canine family members!! Chance looks like fun!!🐶
Oct 29Reply
summerchance @leoninus Thanks sooo much from me👣👣 & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾 ☄☄☄☄
Nov 02Reply
summerchance @herbiedog Thanks I totally agree....what fun would anything be without our pups?!? Here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾☄☄☄☄
Nov 02Reply
mrs_guerrero209 @summerchance Thanks for all the shares :)
Nov 05Reply
summerchance @mrs_guerrero209 You are very welcome, I enjoyed your closet! 🌷🌷🌷Summer
Nov 05Reply
summerchance @dimndgrl Hi Anastasia been long time since I've intruded on Ur personal space. Thanks 4all the shares totally appreciate the luv😍😍😍 I'd been away 4a bit it's kinda hard getting back in groove. Is it my imagination (maybe it's just my closet pieces or prices) but does it seem 2U Poshers are less than open 2buy lately? Haven't been around 4 Christmas season yet so maybe slow is just the way Dec is?
Dec 15Reply
summerchance @dimndgrl My husband Steven recently died. It's just as horrible as U can imagine. I don't want 2go on but know I have 2 & I will. Steven's only family I hav which makes it harder. But can't steer a ship that isn't moving so I keep trying 2put 1foot in front of other hoping I'll feel something more than pain. Chance won't let me cry long b4 he tries 2lick my face off so I can't really even have a decent pity party....Hope all's good in Ur world! 🌷🌷🌷 Summer
Dec 15Reply
dimndgrl @summerchance Oh Summer... I'm speechless. I'm so so sorry, my heart aches for you. I had no idea you had this going on in your life. To tell you the truth I've not been very involved with Posh since the beginning of last Summer. I've just started to get back into it myself lately. I was kind of doing the bare minimum. I know there's nothing I can say that can make you hurt any less but I wish you peace.
Dec 15Reply
dimndgrl @summerchance I'm glad your back at Posh, staying busy 💜 December has never been a good month for me personally but for many of my friends it has. I will say that I have found that Sind the wholesale portal has gotten to be such a big deal
Dec 15Reply
dimndgrl Sorry hit the post button by accident ... Between the wholesale Portal and so many sellers now on Posh my sales have gone down ... You basically have to be sharing your closet 27/7 lol... But sales trickle in, I'm not going complain. Stay strong Summer, I'll definitely keep you in my prayers.
Dec 15Reply
summerchance @dimndgrl Thank U Anastasia 4your understanding & empathy. Didn't tell many that Steven was fighting cancer, he was a private person & I hate 2be a downer. He had ocular melanoma it's super rare cancer. Presents in men over 60. Only occurs in bout 5 of every million men. There's no environmental factor no way 2prevent & it's 100% fatal. I think the stat is only 5% diagnosed live beyond 2yrs. Steven died nearly 2yrs 2the day he was diagnosed.
Dec 17Reply
summerchance @dimndgrl The cancer took Steven's eye 1mo after he was diagnosed. He was back 2work with full patient load only 2wks after his eye was removed. He's the strongest most positive person I've ever met. Sorry I'm over sharing; I'm a mess. Thanks 4your thots on PM. It prob also doesn't help my winter sales potential at all by having only warm weather pieces in my closet sigh. Thank U Anastasia 4being so sweet & supportive of me from day 1!! You're just incredibly patient & kind.
Dec 17Reply
summerchance @belayourself Hi just cruised your closet, you have beautiful clothing! I especially like the bold dynamic colors & prints. 🌷🌷🌷 Summer
Dec 20Reply
summerchance @lillylife And then some!!! Chance has got his nose into everything he can reach. He especially loves to close cabinet drawers & doors. 😍😍😍
Dec 20Reply
cfreemanfl Merry Christmas Summer. I hope everything is okay, I'm worried about you! I hope the new brings you one step closer to healing your heart. I'm here if need anything. Love you
Dec 22Reply
poshbytheocean Merry Christmas Summer!
Dec 25Reply
gunner1215 What a cutie! 💕💕💕
Dec 31Reply
makcupcake omg so adorable💙
Jan 01Reply
melissarnibclc @summerchance So adorable! I have a teacup size golden doodle that weighs 5 pounds :)
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @dimndgrl Thank you for the beautiful card Anastasia, it conveys such a touching message of condolence & affirmation of the grieving process. I wish I had the right words to convey to you how much it resonated with me & my gratitude for your understanding & loving spirit. Summer
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @cfreemanfl Thank you Chris for your selfless constant empathy, support & understanding; you're an angel. Summer
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @polecat793 Thank you from me 👣 & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @gunner1215 Thanks so much from us 👣 🐾🐾
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @makcupcake Thank you so much🌠🌠
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @melissarnibclc Would love to see a pic of your teacup Doodle 👀
Jan 02Reply
gunner1215 @summerchance I hadn't read your story, so I am wishing for you a 2017 that heals your heart and finds you in peaceful memory of your loved one. There is a healing in the happy memories. Blessings!
Jan 02Reply
melissarnibclc @summerchance where could I send the photo lol
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @melissarnibclc Put the pic in your closet just like you would a listing only this listing will not be for sale, that way everyone looking at your closet will also get to see your teacup doodle! Then just tag me to let me know you've got the pic up & I'll see it.⭐⭐⭐Summer⭐⭐⭐
Jan 02Reply
summerchance @gunner1215 Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate all the positive thots & energy sent my way. I miss my husband Steven more than I have words to describe. Thank you again. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer⭐⭐⭐
Jan 03Reply
gunner1215 Precious child, my heart bleeds for you. You are added to my prayer list. God has you in the palm of his hand 🙏💕💕💕
Jan 03Reply
nicole0982000 @summerchance Omg he is adorable! ❤️ him!
Jan 04Reply
mollydick Adorable. !!!! Is it a Portuguese water dog?
Jan 04Reply
summerchance @mollydooker Thanks! He's super cuddly when he wants to be......⭐⭐⭐ Summer⭐⭐⭐
Jan 04Reply
summerchance @nicole0982000 Big thanks from me 👣& an even bigger thanks from Chance 🐾🐾
Jan 04Reply
summerchance @mollydick Hello he "Chance" is an Australian Labradoodle. Portuguese Water Dogs are super too! Those were our 2 choices when we were looking for our 1st puppy. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer⭐⭐⭐
Jan 04Reply
mollydick Adorable. Nice to meet you and your puppy.
Jan 04Reply
summerchance @mollydick Hi, it's nice to meet you too! I'm Summer by the way. Do you have pups too? May I know your 1st name or do you prefer to remain anonymous? Many poshers do prefer the anonymity. Chance & I live in Portland, Oregon where we're currently braving the beginnings of our third ice storm in about 6weeks, argh. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer⭐⭐⭐
Jan 04Reply
pookietrend @summerchance that's adorable!! What a cutie pie!
Jan 08Reply
summerchance @pookietrend Here's an appreciative thank you from me 👣 & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾!!!
Jan 09Reply
pookietrend @summerchance 🐾🐾❤❤❤🐶🐶
Jan 09Reply
bebe1973 ❤️
Jan 15Reply
poshbytheocean You're welcome Summer, hoping each day brings you a little more peace then the day before <3
Jan 17Reply
califoxx @summer1015 Such a cutie!!!
Jan 19Reply
waltonwear Omg so adorable! @peppedup , look. 💕
Jan 20Reply
peppedup @turbokickqueen furbabies helpers are the best! 🐶
Jan 20Reply
pippalotta XoXoXoXoXoXo!!!
Jan 20Reply
bellasb @summerchance love these pix!!!
Jan 23Reply
summerchance @califoxx Thank you from me👣 & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾!!
Jan 23Reply
califoxx @summerchance 💕💕💕💕💕💞
Jan 23Reply
summerchance @turbokickqueen Thanx much from me😆 & a big paws up from Chance 🐾💙
Jan 23Reply
summerchance @peppedup I soooo Agree!! 😍😍😍
Jan 23Reply
summerchance @pippalotta Aaawww thank you from me 👣 & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾💙💙💙
Jan 23Reply
summerchance @bellasb Thanks sooo much😆😆😆 No matter what I'm doing Chance is there helping me as best he can.....🐾🐾💙💙💙
Jan 23Reply
waltonwear @summerchance aw, y'all are sweet. 💕 🐶🐾
Jan 23Reply
oneposhtot Omg so so cute! 🙇🏻💕🐯
Jan 27Reply
southernsusie Hi Summer- I'm Susie 🌸 Chance is so cute and obviously smart! Also want to tell you that your closet is incredible!! 🌸💕❤️
Jan 29Reply
summerchance @southernsusie Nice to meet you Susie!! 🤗Thank you so much for your compliment & Chance sends you & your 2 adorable cats a big paws up🐾🐾 Chance never learned to dislike cats, he just can't understand why they don't like his sloppy slurpy enthusiastic kisses..... ⭐⭐⭐ Summer⭐⭐⭐.
Jan 30Reply
southernsusie @summerchance Thanks for all your generous shares- I'm behind today but about to catch up! That's great that Chance doesn't mind cats. Our 12 yr old lab/shepherd mix just tolerates them but never has wanted to cuddle with them which is what I pictured when we got our first kitten when she was 6 months!!😏
Jan 31Reply
kalifreshness1 Chance is so cute🐶
Jan 31Reply
alittlefabshop Wonderful closet! Xoxoxoxoxo
Feb 01Reply
summerchance @kalifreshness 🌷⚘⚘🐾Chancey sends you a big paws up!!🐾 ⚘⚘🌷
Feb 01Reply
kalifreshness1 Thank you Chancey!!!! That is just what I needed this morning :-) I'll take a face lick too!
Feb 01Reply
summerchance @cdelancey1018 🍬🍬🎈⚘🎈⚘🎈⚘T💜H💙A💜N💙K Y😍O😍U V🎆E🎆R🎆Y M🍭U🍭C🍭H!⚘🎈⚘🎈⚘🎈🍬🍬⭐⭐⭐ SUMMER ⭐⭐⭐
Feb 01Reply
summerchance @kalifreshness 🐾👅👅👅🐾 Big slurpy face washing lick kisses from Chance🐾👅👅👅🐾🙄
Feb 01Reply
kalifreshness1 @summerchance Love the love!! TY Chance :-)
Feb 01Reply
tracyblue69 Whatta face ☺🐶💖 Check my "new listings" to see my grand puppy. She'd be a snack compared to yours lol 😂 Thanks for sharing my follow...have a fantastic day 💖💋
Feb 01Reply
siciliana324 Hi cutie! 😘🐶
Feb 02Reply
cindiz44 Adorable
Feb 02Reply
ppamprrd Aww. So sweet🐕🐶🐕🐶
Feb 08Reply
bicycle_belle Thank you so much for the incredible review- I am so happy you are happy! I have been saving that pair of earrings (they are new- no worries) for almost a year waiting for the right person to gift them too. As soon as we figured everything out on posh, I immediately knew they were destined for you. It was hard to get that out first because your dog is soooo cute! I bet that face melts your ❤ everyday.
Feb 08Reply
bicycle_belle Is chance a cockapoo? I had one growing up that was black and looks just like your dog. His name was wags and he lived over 14 years. From when I was 4 until he passed my freshman year of college- he was the best dog. Silly and playful but also would love to cuddle up and lick all over your face.
Feb 08Reply
ruby211 @summerchance - How old now and how big? :) priceless!
Feb 11Reply
summerchance @ruby211 Chance is 2yrs old, g-d it went fast! He's not been weighed in bout a yr(have overdue vet apt 2morrow) I'm sure he weighs a plump 60+ lbs "ish". Had his uncle Sammi fr same breeder. Sammi was 6yrs old when he died of brain tumour very very unexpectedly. Breeder was so upset she offered us her newest stud pup that's how I got Chance & how he got his name. He's only reason I'm still above ground - my darling husband recently died. ⭐⭐⭐Summer⭐⭐⭐
Feb 11Reply
summerchance @ruby211 Sorry if that was over share.....⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Feb 11Reply
ruby211 @summerchance - no way- but I am so sorry - I know that somehow our pups give us that unconditional good for you in that respect - however, I work within the field of loss so no worries - you hang in there and never let that pup keep going...:)
Feb 11Reply
summerchance @sarita_bonita_ Here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾
Feb 13Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @summerchance no need for the thankyous, love ur closet btw, looks spectacular!
Feb 21Reply
denimlover2011 Hi Summer! I'm so glad your back in this share group 🤗 I've reached out to you but maybe you missed my messages 👩‍💻 I hope your doing well 💕💕💕
Feb 22Reply
summerchance @denimlover2011 Oh no I didn't see Ur msg, do U remember under what listing U tagged me? Prob not I wuldn't if situation were reversed. Terribly sorry, had I been aware of U reaching out I wuld've tried 2respond as best I culd. Thank U 4msg I missed & this 1. If that ever happens again wuld U pleaz try tagging me again 2alert me I've got a msg fr U?Wasn't sure I'd be able 2do share on consistent basis but wanted 2get back in2 it as best I can.
Feb 22Reply
summerchance @denimlover2011 I'm sorry 2admit it but I'm a mess. Doing best & as much as I can but this is overwhelming on all levels. Sorry 4over share I've been isolated &think I've lost ability 2hav polite conversation. I've typed in several msgs 2U now & have erased them, I'm kinda lost, sorry. But it's o good 2"hear" fr U & I hope all is well in Ur world. Ur children doing well in school? ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Feb 22Reply
denimlover2011 @summerchance oh no worries Summer 🤗 I'm just glad your back! I don't remember the listing but I know one was a sold listing for sure but it's not important and no need to worry, you told me about your beloved husband so I knew/know your thoughts were elsewhere 🙂 I too have been dealing with so much lately. Remember I told you about my grandmother, well ugh the awful disease took over and she is now at peace with our dear Lord. She was a huge part of my daily life and just my pure love and joy.
Feb 22Reply
denimlover2011 I've been throwing myself into posh and as many new daily activities so that I can cope. I just need an outlet because I get so overwhelmed that I can feel the start of an anxiety attack coming when my thoughts stray to her. I'm constantly on the verge of tears and despair but I get reeled back into reality because I know my children can see my grief.
Feb 22Reply
denimlover2011 I've caught them praying for me not be sad anymore and that too breaks my heart. I secretly cry now but I have found that keeping busy works well for me. I send you so much love and hope we both find peace 😘🙂🙂
Feb 22Reply
summerchance @denimlover2011 I'm so very sorry 4the loss of Ur grandmother. There are no words 2still Ur mind, repair the heartbreak or take away the searing pain. It's even hard 2imagine how 2put 1foot in front of the other while Ur grieving is this profound. Thank G-d 4your precious & precocious children who know Ur heart & perceive Ut sorrow tho U keep it as hidden as possible. I'll send extra prayers Ur way. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Feb 22Reply
summerchance @goodchic Thanks 4the heads up! Wanted 2b sure I was communicating 2U my appreciation 4adding me 2Ur community of poshers & since there's really no protocol rule book when it comes 2things like this I wanted 2err on being 2polite rather than not enuf. Thank U 4the awesome compliments on my closet, U lifted my spirits & made me feel like I've actually accomplished something.
Feb 22Reply
bposhin Every time I see this post I chuckle inside - it reminds me of my kitty. She swats, chews, and runs with all my ribbons when I am packaging my items😄😁😊 Too funny!
Feb 22Reply
summerchance @goodchic My darling best friend husband, Steven, died recently & I'm devastated. There are times when I'm incapable of much but I hope I can still be a team player. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Feb 22Reply
ruby211 @summerchance - Hey, I have not forgotten you! We need to work something out. What can I do to help make this right? Pls tell me. Hoping Chance is okay...want you to be satisfied with your purchase. Let me know - I had a car accident Friday then had to work so I am so sorry if it seems as if I am not here, but I am - xxx
Feb 23Reply
taceyarens @summerchance we have a labradoodle named Chance!! :) Love these breeds...the Australian part in yours is pretty!
Feb 25Reply
smblanton Super cute closet! 😍
Feb 27Reply
ruby211 @summerchance Hey, I'm checking in to see how Chance is - got your card -am sending you something :) xo - hang in:)
Feb 28Reply
lucky0718 @summerchance omg he is adorable, look on my page Lucky is our mini golden doodle, love them, so delicious right?? 🐶😘
Feb 28Reply
summerchance @taceyarens Oh wow that's quite a coincidence!! I haven't run into any pup named Chance in the 2yrs I've had Chance let alone another Doodle named Chance, that's just crazy cool!!!! Is that your Chance in your closet pictures? What a handsome Doodle with an absolutely perfect name!!! BTW, how did you come up with the name Chance for your sweet Doodle? ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 02Reply
summerchance @smblanton Thanks so much!! ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 02Reply
summerchance @ruby211 Hi so glad U got my card! The bad B movie that has become my life continues &people as sweet, understanding &supportive as U do not exist in the business of estate matters. My former happiest ever, always smiling pup is not 2be found, in his place is a very sad, stressed, sick boy. I believe Chancey will get better but he like me will prob need an abundance of healing &time. Are U ok? Auto accident? Seems like that's fairly serious. Hope Ur not seriously injured!⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 02Reply
taceyarens @summerchance yep that is our Doodle in my pic! Honestly, I looked online for puppy names because I couldn't think of anything and that one stuck out to me :) He's definitely a "Chance"!! How did you pick yours?
Mar 02Reply
ruby211 @summerchance I'm so sorry - I sent you something - mailed yesterday - I had to work today so I am just responding now - I'm ok. - I think of you often - 💕✨👌❤️
Mar 02Reply
summerchance @lucky0718 Oh my gosh what an a adorably handsome boy!!! It almost looks like he has a bit of rose color 2his cute nose, is there some rose going on there or is it my imagination? Doodles are the most amazing breed I've had the pleasure 2 know. Such a wonderful mix of intelligence, comedic goofiness, sweet temperament, devotion, quickness 2learn & please plus those loving natures! How old is Lucky? ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 03Reply
summerchance @taceyarens Very sweet of U 2ask bout naming Chance, it's a bit longish answer so feel free 2skip it, I'll never know, hee! I had an Australian Multi-Generational Labradoodle named Sammi 4nearly 6wonderful yrs that flew by far 2fast & the sweet boy died suddenly of a brain tumor 2yrs ago in Feb on my husband's birthday. My darling husband Steven, who recently died unexpextedly, found Sammi's breeder now in Colorado told her about Sammi & she was so upset, she offered him her newest stud puppy.
Mar 04Reply
summerchance @taceyarens Her stud pup was 1month old &named "Friday". Friday was living with breeder's daughter not far from us. We met Friday on Valentine's Day fell in love w/him &found out our Sammi was Friday's uncle. What an incredible chance Friday was directly related 2Sammi, wasn't in Colorado but nearby &just happened 2b available when I needed him most. So the breeder's "Friday" became our incredible "Chance". That's how Chance got his name.⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 04Reply
taceyarens @summerchance oh my goodness! What a beautiful story! So sorry for both of your losses :(
Mar 04Reply
summerchance @taceyarens Thank you. I'm terribly sorry if I over shared, I'm so upside down & torn inside out I guess I'm unaware if I'm being inappropriate. Best to you & your so handsome Chance! ⭐⭐⭐Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 05Reply
laga So cute!
Mar 06Reply
stefba 💖💝💓
Mar 07Reply
summerchance @ruby211 Thank you very much for the surprise, not at all expected & very generous of you! I wish we lived less distant from each other....Hope all is well in your world & I'm relieved to know you were uninjured in the accident. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 07Reply
ruby211 @summerchance 😊 you're welcome - keep the n touch! 💕💕
Mar 07Reply
clemsonrunner Following you because of dog. :). Nice closet too!
Mar 07Reply
jackckbmp Precious baby!
Mar 08Reply
tracijones1 Your pupper is adorable!!
Mar 08Reply
summerchance @clemsonrunner Following my closet because of Chance is a perfectly great reason; I'm sure he would agree! ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 08Reply
pralinequeen I want that fuzzy sweet thing 👸👑🌹
Mar 08Reply
downtowndallis Cutest listing on Poshmark!
Mar 11Reply
theprincess_s ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
amoc2001 Priceless but free shipping?!?! I'll take 2!!!!!
Mar 11Reply
mikdotty Love your puppy😍❤️!! Happy Poshing!!🌟🎉
Mar 13Reply
prettylady1st I will be glad to take fluffy off of your hands😊
Mar 14Reply
summerchance @jackckbmp You got that right!! (Hee) Summer
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @tracijones1 Thank you soo much! Summer
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @pralinequeen Over my dead body, Hee! Ya know, Chancey's breeder would love to sell you one of her pups, but there's a waiting list, can you believe it!?!
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @phyllisirene Thank you very much! Chance is my constant companion, I'm so lucky he chose to live with me.
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @downtowndallis Awwww, a big paws up from Chance to you! & if you lean in close I'm sure he'd give you a slurpy Doodle kiss.....
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @theprincess_s Chancey would love to read your comment, but he's not quite there yet so I'll send the hearts on to him. Big tail wags from Chance & his sweet smile.
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @amoc2001 Oooooh, 73 pounds times 2, that's gotta be over PM limit so I'm prob gonna have to takeout a loan for postage....flying them would prob be less expensive, hah!
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @mikdotty Thank you from me & a big paws up from Chance!!
Mar 15Reply
summerchance @prettylady1st RUN CHANCE RUN!! (hah) He's prob jump at the opportunity to have all the new attention....
Mar 15Reply
amoc2001 ok Ill come visit :) save you some money lol
Mar 15Reply
pralinequeen It's no wonder why there is a waiting list ! 👸👑🌹
Mar 15Reply
crossfitgirl4 I love your closet!! And your pup is adorable!! Happy poshing!
Mar 18Reply
summerchance @amoc2001 😉😉😉⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 19Reply
summerchance @pralinequeen 😍🤗😊 ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 19Reply
summerchance @crossfitgirl4 Awwww thank you so much, you really brightened my night into day! Here's a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 22Reply
vender Too cute
Mar 23Reply
cattyo Miss you my friend. Sending you hugs and lots of love❤️
Mar 24Reply
summerchance @vender Thanks much from me 👍& a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾 ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 25Reply
summerchance @cattyo Great 2 "hear" fr U sweet girl! Cuple times lately hav had 2force myself not 2cry on Ur shoulder. Was in major melt down crying sobbing crying, turned 2Posh 2do anything normal 2break sorrow. PM feed came up &very 1st pic I saw was U w/Ur husband in Paris. Tears were replaced by a smile &I thanked whatever angel sent Ur pic when I needed it most. Love those synchronicities. How are U? Respond by email 4more privacy if U want. Miss U &my sanity!! ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 25Reply
gallowaymom L😍VE!!
Mar 28Reply
summerchance @gallowaymom Here's a big paws up 🐾🐾 from Chance & a thank you 👣from me😉 ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Mar 28Reply
lego13 ADORABLE!! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 31Reply
tractorqueen1 How adorable! Love this picture
Apr 01Reply
shop_essentials How are you Summer? I'm sorry for not being better at checking in, but you are in my thoughts. I hope Chance is giving you lots of cuddles and putting a smile on your face :) xoxo
Apr 05Reply
summerchance @shop_essentials Hi Melissa thanx much 4checking in, Ur so sweet! It's going 2take me awhile 2get used 2Ur new closet name; what made U change? I don't know how I wuld've made it without Chance! He's all personality, loves 2play & requires major attention; he def keeps me occupied. I keep meaning 2ask about Ur kitty, how is she? 4give me 4not asking U sooner. Hope all else is good in Ur world! 🙃😊😚😘😙 ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
Apr 06Reply
summerchance @lego13 ❣🐶❣😊😍😘😚👅💕
Apr 08Reply
summerchance @caroline92101 💕💕🐶💕💕
Apr 08Reply
summerchance @tractorqueen1 😚😘😚💕💕
Apr 08Reply
gbullard @summerchance 🐶💕😍🐾Precious fur baby, thank you so much for the shares🤗
Apr 30Reply
kerrig321 I have a Bichon also. Great pups. Mine looks like yours so much.
May 04Reply
summerchance @califoxx I'm sorry you're dealing with a "you have no idea" experience.....I hope the severity of "it" is not insurmountable. There have been times like that for me recently & it's a lonely desperate feeling at best. Sending you light & love. My best to you⚘🌷⚘ Summer
May 05Reply
califoxx @summerchance Thank you so much Summer💖. I truly appreciate that. ❤️❤️❤️ I hope everything is better you too luv😘
May 07Reply
summerchance Thank you very's been 7 mos since my husband Steven died & yet it feels like 7 mins. Some days I cannot imagine a future worth living without him, most days I just try to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Can't steer a boat that isn't moving so I just try to keep moving. So Sorry if this is overshare, I seem to have lost my self censor when I lost Steven, sigh.
May 07Reply
onixci @summerchance Good morning 🌞 a little sun to brighten your day 🌞 I just read your comments above. I want to say I am so so sorry for your loss. And I hope you are feeling a little bit better. Not certain what to say. But I am happy you have your beautiful dog Chance to keep you company!! I have a Goldendoodle puppy 🐶 she is 6 months old and a handful. Her name is Olivia Autumn.
May 11Reply
onixci @summerchance I just love doodle!! They are amazing!! I need to figure out how to put a picture of her in my closet. Not sure how I do that. How to write things. I am still very new at it! Also thanks for the shares and I just love ❤️ your closet! I love Everything! Have a beautiful blessed day. Hugs 🤗 from Texas ❤️😍😊⚜️🙏☮️
May 11Reply
summerchance @onixci Hi pleaz 4rgive me not responding til now 2Ur lovely sweet comments. I'm a day sleeper &don't begin my day til 2p-3p PST but my schedule is totally whacked🙃 I'm more than happy 2help with any questions bout app, I've been on PM 4only a yr so totally remember how confusing it all is at 1st. Whenever U want 2comment 2a person U input their closet name 1st b4 U begin Ur comment otherwise Ur comment goes in2 general feed &person might not see it.
May 11Reply
summerchance @onixci Shortcut 2that is when some1 comments 2U press "reply" under comment & app will input person's closet name 4U. 2add Ur adorable pup's pic 2Ur closet it's same as if U were going 2post a listing 4sale. Input her pic like an item 4sale then follow all prompts just like a sale but put not 4sale. Then U can comment below about her, Olivia Autumn right? "Tag" me from her "listing", input my closet name in comments under her listing & I'll get the tag 2check it out.
May 11Reply
summerchance @onixci ThankU 4Ur condolences &kindness U brought brightness 2my day. I miss Steven terribly, am taking it day by day. Chance is most wonderful best friend I culd imagine. When I cry he cuddles me &tries 2lick tears away won't leave til I've stopped. Tries 2help me with everything I do. He's still waiting 4Steven 2come home &waits by door at time Steven wuld be arriving home. He's sensitive &confused I think he's depressed. Breaks my heart I can't explain 2him.
May 11Reply
summerchance @onixci Hope I've helped a little with posting Olivia Autumn's picture & how to tag people. If I can help with anything else let me know. My best to you, Summer
May 11Reply
summerchance @kellyjean59 Hi was sharing my closet b4 sharing part of Urs &noticed my "in search of" listing 4Betsey Johnson Pave Whale Necklace is missing......hav U ever experienced a listing just disappearing b4? So weird next question, do U still hav the listing in Ur closet with our conversation in it? If so wuld U pleaz tag me in it so I can get it back? Thank U, I REALLY don't hav it & didn't delete it?!?! 🙃⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
May 12Reply
kellyjean59 @summerchance that is extremely weird. Do you happen to know what item we were talking on? I'm still looking for the whale. I found the earrings to match with that is close to so I came
May 12Reply
kellyjean59 I'm sorry summer I'm looking and looking and I can't find our conversation
May 12Reply
summerchance @kellyjean59 Yes, I had made up an in search of listing with a picture of the whale necklace so you could verify we were on same page with item. ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
May 12Reply
summerchance @kellyjean59 We went back & forth several times on that listing, so I thot you might still have it......⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
May 12Reply
summerchance @kellyjean59 Oh, I haven't seen the you have a pic of them I culd see? ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
May 12Reply
summerchance @kellyjean59 But you do remember our conversation on the listing right? ⭐⭐⭐ Summer ⭐⭐⭐
May 12Reply
kellyjean59 Of course I do and yes I found it on your site I commented on the photo so it should be really easy for you to find it :-)
May 12Reply
kellyjean59 I will try to get a picture for you I do not have the earrings but I have seen them. Give me a minute and I'll see what I can do. Not real savvy with computers LOL
May 12Reply
bagobsession1 Thx 4 sharing my closet and ur closet
May 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Soooo.... I'm out running errands & thinking of nitemare obstacle course U hav 2go thru 2get anywhere &home again. Want 2call U up &ask if I can pick anything up 4U, bummer we don't live in same state let alone neighborhood....😔
May 15Reply
kreativekristen Thank you for thinking of me... Yes ... Being independent can be very taxing... Walk, but to post office, bus to shiping place...someone says hi... Not knowing I can really see til I get right up to them ... Another bus to a grocery store... Not so familiar with this store so yes I have to ask for peoples help( all the lettuce looks the same)At register I gave to tell the cashier I'm blind and need to be talked thru ATM ...( again in a new style )so should I mention.. Anexity;)
May 16Reply
kreativekristen Posh is my balance ... I can be me ;)
May 16Reply
onixci @summerchance 9290 lol 2nd part lop
May 16Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I can't begin 2imagine how many everyday abilities I take 4granted that are anxiety inducing challenges 4U. I get so wrapped up in my despair &various pains or challenges I 4get how blessed I am. The more pain the more insular I make my world, but I do frequently think of U, hoping Ur well &not being dumped on by the blackbird of unhappiness. I cannot fathom what painful circumstances U hav endured in Ur life in order 2b so wise beyond Ur yrs. Sending U a few hugs, S!
May 29Reply
kreativekristen Hugs always welcome,I am taking the baby set of getting in contact with the , society for the blind,to help be maintain my Independence;)...You be strong,vent when you need. Girlfriend get rid of some of life's extras things you don't need...Simple life...Will help you to breathe...
May 29Reply
kreativekristen Someday you might just find me on your door step...I really want to take the train north;)...After I move....
May 29Reply
kreativekristen Sorry to bug. About pish...I'm in the posh anylitical group...So here's a tip there is an algorithm that cycles poshers with more them 500 listings more...Your close...That's my next goal...I sold 16 this month;)
May 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I miss you. 😔
Jun 27Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Sorry I missed Ur comments! Wasn't tagged &they got lost in feed.😕 Have U contacted Society 4 Blind, how'd it go? Love 2hav U visit but no showing up on doorstep I'll be Ur Uber. My only time on train in OR was on way 2 Seattle train went off rails we waited 4hrs 4new crew, nothing wrong with train, new crew has 2be assigned, at least that was story. 😜
Jun 27Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Very interesting bout 400 items closets being rotated more often. I've been a little concerned if 2many unsold items in closet buyers won't want 2wade thru it & will only stick 2top items, thots? How'd U get involved in Posh think tank? I finally made application 4 suggested user, thinking suggested users get rotated more often 2? Not real interested in hosting seems like waaaay 2much work!. Do U enjoy hosting?
Jun 27Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance , actually suggested user is a great way to get more followers,I'm with that poshmark analytical group .. their forever trying to find ways to increase followers / sales. Like don't pull solds down to bottom ,let them hang out for a while,I have a listing explaining about using the filter button( it makes shopping large closets easier)go to my closet,tap followers,scroll down and follow all of these. Do that every few weeks. .
Jun 27Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ,society for the blind directed me to their store. Oops. I don't drive and it 40 Nikes away. Anyway after I move I'll save to make a trip and I want to go up or down California...just cos. Don't worry I would give you much warning;)so one of the reasons for moving is high altitude is not good for me and I live at 4900,the area I would like to move to is at 1900. .just think it would make me feel better.. live your train story;)
Jun 27Reply
shop_essentials Summer, so sorry for the delayed shares. I've been off posh all day. Just wanted to thank you again for all of your kindness and support 💕💕 Wish I could give Chance a giant hug! He is just the cutest! Xoxo
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I actually learned something this morning, if I "skip" something direct shared 2my dressing room that item I skipped can't be re-shared 2my dressing room...I also learned I cannot direct share something twice but I can share sold items, wonder if sold items still count in the magic #400? Have U hit 400 by now?
Aug 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I'm at 350,I need to get clarification as to what the number really us,keep checking your stats after you've done alot of direct shares,to see if you've made top share status...I direct share at the end of my evening to poshers who ,like something from my closet if I have something similar or complimentary to direct share to them.
Aug 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance did the alarm/ pain meds thing...made my pain time less and boy did I take a good nap...had a poshers request a price for a bundle of three items ,sent it,and in 2 hours ,sold two of the items to other poshers...wonder if posh shares bundles when you send a price...didn't know about the skip thing but knew I was running into the can't share again thing...I'll just keep working to get top share as I do think it helps ..
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Oh, direct share complimentary items, excellent idea!!
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen THRILLED alarm idea worked!! Wonderful 4U &good thing 2continue if U can. I fought it figuring I'm asleep how much worse can it be? But Steven was right. Now when I get up 4day I don't play catch up game that I lose everytime & makes it easier 2get healing rest stead of fitful agonized sleep. Chance has learned when I'm supposed 2wake 4meds if I 4get 2set alarm he cries at exactly 8:30a 2wake me every time, how he knows I haven't a clue.
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Just checked posh stats, I've got 406 direct shares & nothing after it as far as top sharer or anything??
Aug 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ...just checked the fb group,they are saying it has to be 600...well just keep working twords that and keep checking....
Aug 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance it's his job after all ,dogs are Nan's best friend ...right;)
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @denimlover2011 Thank you VERY much for generously allowing me to direct share to your closet! With the direct shares I did to your closet I made it to top 10% in direct sharing; couldn't have gotten there without your help, thanks again. As a gesture of appreciation I'll be sharing your closet, these will be gift shares, please No Shares Back!
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @denimlover2011 PS: From the little bit you've shared with me about your love for your late grandmother, I have to think she was a remarkable woman; would you mind telling me a little about her? I'd love to know about anything you feel comfortable telling me, It'd be an honor to learn about her. If not I totally understand. Summer
Aug 15Reply
denimlover2011 @summerchance hi Summer! No problem and no need to share 😊 I'll be direct sharing to you in a few days too, lol 😂 ... and my Grandmother... I just Loved her to pieces, I could write a book about her as I'm sure you could write one about your beloved Steven 💞 I don't want to cry so I'm going to share one quirk that always makes me laugh when I think about it!
Aug 15Reply
denimlover2011 She was hilariously sarcastic and one afternoon we were having lunch and out of nowhere she said "your grandfather woke up so late today, I went to check on him to make sure he wasn't dead, because at our age it could happen" and we dropped our forks in laughter because he was sitting in front of us but since my grandfather has severe hearing loss the sarcasm went over his head and he turned and said "what did she say?"
Aug 15Reply
denimlover2011 And we just replied nothing 😂😂😂 better not to know! I love memories like that! They keep my heart warm. Thank you for letting me share one with you 😘
Aug 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hey girlfriend I don't know how I did it but some how got to 700 direct shares now it shows top 10% direct share, but between 401 & 700 I don't know when I hit the mark.....
Aug 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance congrats,it's somewhere past 600...I still have a ways to go..I'm at 360.
Aug 16Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Are U having problem with curser too? I used 2b able 2touch screen anywhere in a comment/reply 2move curser there 2correct or add something now I have 2erase whole thing or use arrows. Worse I can't press screen at start of comment to access my clipboard to paste emoji decorated congrats messages or thank yous.
Oct 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Happening on both tablet & phone even after turning both on & off as well as reloading program 4 times.....makes nearly impossible to do mass party shares & time consuming emoji decorated host pick thanks! No way to access/paste all my saved party congrats...
Oct 11Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance my phones so old I can't do any of that, I have phrases I have saved and use a lot on my phone.... You must be going nutty ... I can't use dressing room so everything takes longer...
Oct 11Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance you saw the posh ambassador program... Are you a suggested user? ... If not please follow thru and ask to be part of that program ASAP...
Oct 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Thanx 4 turning me on 2the Posh Ambassador Program, I hadn't seen it yet. My posh stats meet all requirements I think. Thanx 4 encouraging me 2 become suggested user, initially I had no desire but several mos ago I applied & haven't heard back; I assume it takes A LONG TIME b4 one's application is processed.
Oct 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I applied for suggested user on June 9th, so it's been about 4mos, I assume that's a typical waiting period.....
Oct 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I didn't get upstairs 2the master bedroom last night 2look 4the cell phone I want 2give U, it's hard 4me 2go in2 master bedroom. Took me a year after Steven's death b4 I could even go upstairs near our master bedroom, sigh. But I'm forcing myself 2use it more often & this will be good 4me 2spend some time there looking 4the phone.
Oct 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I can't imagine how frustrating it is 4U 2have 2rely on the older phones Ur using in order 2make anything work on PM! The smallest task must require total patience & huge effort. I can imagine however how difficult life is without an active support system, ie family & friends; that's the 1st thing I lost after the wreck in 1985, empathy is a fragile gift.
Oct 11Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yes it boggles me the doing everything on my own....yes I press a lot of buttons to get anything done on posh...
Oct 11Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yes just think of it as baby steps, maybe you could convert it into a mediation room... Embrace the energy...;)
Oct 11Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance e mail them a positive thing about being excited about the ambasiter( sorry wrong spelling) program and how your excited because you qualify for it and have applied for suggested user in June... About can't wait to hear from then... And love the styling and checking non -complient programs...
Oct 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Do you think I should do that to grease the wheels or do you think my application may've been lost?
Oct 11Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I have found that e mailing something positive does grease the wheels, although they will send you the generic e mail back ...
Oct 11Reply
jennymoo70 What a beautiful dog!
Oct 21Reply
ttkl @summerchance So cute and helpful! 🐶👍🌹✨❤️😍
Oct 22Reply
summerchance @ashjesh Hi how's it going in Ur world? Was FINALLY able 2use comment field as I used 2b able to use it 2 access my clipper file, still a glitch in cut & paste 3 out of 4 times all comment gets erased stead of pasted 2clipper but it's better than it was! Emailed Posh Support a wk or so ago they said they were already aware of prob. Are U able 2use comment field normally now? Had a terrific wind storm last nite in2 morning branches falling on roof & decks so didn't get much sleep. Happy Sunday!
Oct 22Reply
ajcollections @summerchance Hi. All is well thankfully this weekend! 😊 But comment field still not working for me at all for cut, copy and paste. I emailed Posh to follow up a couple of days ago and they're still working on it. Ugh!!! Oh no! Sorry abt ur wind storm, but glad to hear the comment field is working here and there for you. 😊 Wish posh fixes it soon. Taken too long.
Oct 22Reply
summerchance @tamclothing Here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾👅👀💓💓
Oct 23Reply
summerchance @jennymoo70 Thank you from me 👣😙🌹⚘🌹 & a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾👅👀💕💕
Oct 23Reply
summerchance @ttkl He absolutely is the best helper I've ever had; wish you could see him go around & shut any open cabinet doors or drawers, it's cuteness overload 😉 Here's a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾👅👀💕💕
Oct 23Reply
summerchance @ashjesh Yes, way way way too long!! I get the feeling these issues aren't their techs' highest priority.......but then whadda I glad you have a work around!!
Oct 23Reply
ajcollections @summerchance I agree. I'm just getting so annoyed with their processes day by day.... hard to wait till I get home from work to catch up on tags. Guess there is a bright side to this though. I spend my breaks not on posh tags. Lol!
Oct 24Reply
ajcollections @summerchance Woohoo!!! Posh fixed the issue!!! 💃💃💃💃💃😃💕💖💕💖💕
Oct 24Reply
summerchance @ashjesh Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!! Best news I've gotten since I tagged you out of the blue & told you my sad tale of woe regarding my comment field problem & you told me it wasn't anything I'd done wrong but a system glitch. 😉 🍃🐱🍃🎃🍃🐱🍃
Oct 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hi sweet girl thanx 4all the shares❣How goes technology upgrade & deciphering? I feel 4U 🙁 I get so overwhelmed by phone or computer upgrades I wait til major breakage 2. Hope it's going much better than 1st week! I've been head down in tax & estate requirements & not done much of anything else well cept 4 requisite fetal position floor crying 😭
Oct 31Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I'd like Ur opinion on how 2shut down. Was planning on putting up vacation hold with no explanation, but then thot maybe such an abrupt end with a very long absence my not be the best way 2handle things; thots? It'll be several months b4 I'm back & I'll need 2close Sat or Sun.
Oct 31Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yup had a few of those... weird thing on this phone a suggested bed time and wake up with nice calm ringtone... cos ya ya ya normal sleep times make for healthy person, so yes it works, while I don’t stick to it always when I do I feel better..sold 10 items this week end, almost made up for the 10 days of dead time... should have seen me carrying those boxes to the bus;)
Oct 31Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I think you should explain and leave that listing top left side of closet, update with status as you can..., we are family ,so use posh to keep moving forward...
Oct 31Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance please text me to my new phone before sat so I know it works ... 530 317 7234....
Oct 31Reply
1o_a_k Love your closet so cutre
May 21Reply
summerchance @1o_a_k 😁😙⚘⚘⚘
May 22Reply
demetriacru Such a cutie!
May 27Reply
summerchance @demetriacru Here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾 👅👀
May 27Reply
demetriacru @summerchance awww, I love it!! 🤗
May 28Reply
juicycouture_05 Omg he/she is gorgeous😍
Jun 05Reply
vtgcovergirl Adorbs 😂🐾🐾💕😘
Jun 05Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Yeow, love that swim top turned sundress😍😍😍 I plus 50 or so others would come ordering it from you!!!!
Jun 05Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Wow, there was only 1 of the items U tagged me that I haven't got in my likes & that's only cuz it also has long sleeves; the purples tie dye romper is 1 of my favs. What's interesting is the jumpsuit U commented on is 1 I've almost bought 3 times but been worried no1 else wuld like it cuz of the crochet strap going down the back. Having Ur expertise is invaluable, big big big thanks sweet girl😙⚘⚘⚘
Jun 06Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I think I'll go ahead & purchase the jumpsuit, it's actually now on clearance; even better wooo hoooo😁
Jun 06Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance sometime it’s just a about reassurance;)
Jun 06Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I saw you sharing some of my boutique stuff so I went on kinda a gift sharing spree with your closet, NO SHARES BACK! I owe ya girlfriend for laying my woe is me on ya, sorry....
Jun 07Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance that’s ok... my woo is me... woke with a huge head ache... took the bus down to placerville main st to do blood tests etc, still had head ache but after about a 1/2 down there head ache went away ... good day shopping old town... white tea and a three cheese sandwich( protein needed;) ended up walking about 3 miles;)... I’m hone now... head aches back... really gotta move...
Jun 07Reply
summerchance @ashjesh Hi Jesh, did I do something 2 offend or upset U? I noticed I got a flier 4 party 2morrow thot U'd 4warded it 2 me via Ur party tag list & thanked U. But then realized the tag wasn't from U & I'm no longer part of Ur party tag list. Can't imagine what I'v done but whatever it is I'm just so so very sorry. Please let me know how I can make it right between us. Summer
Jun 19Reply
ajcollections @summerchance Hi Summer! Sorry my friend. You didn't do anything. I just had stopped doing tags altogether. Now doing it again but the list is much smaller. If a PFF requests, I add them.😊 Sometimes we all are on so many taglists that it overwhelms the feed and can potentially miss important messages. So I just feel bad doing the same to my PFFs. But trust me we're good.💕
Jun 19Reply
summerchance @ashjesh Can't tell you how grateful I am to know we're good 🤗 Was totally stressing over it, & didn't know what else to do but ask. Thank you for being so kind😘🌷🌷🌷 Just became 60 years old & my brain has been mush ever since 🙄🙃
Jun 20Reply
ajcollections @summerchance Awe... I'm so glad you asked. You know me.❤🌹 Uh I imagined you in 40s. You look awesome!💕💕 Hope everything else is going well for you.😃
Jun 20Reply
weneedlove I'll take the beautiful doggy😊 He is too adorable.
Jul 17Reply
weneedlove Hi @summerchance, I'm new at this, HELP....LOL...... I hit an icon and now I see "price drop" on my listings. Is this something everyone's sees or just me?
Jul 18Reply
summerchance @weneedlove Sorry, just woke up! Day sleeper in Oregon. The "price drop" option is a relatively new feature, only you can see it🤗 thank goodness right!?!
Jul 18Reply
summerchance @weneedlove It is a tool you can use to automatically drop prices on your listings by %s you choose. No one else can drop a price for you.
Jul 18Reply
summerchance @weneedlove And it can be used or ignored, even if you select price drop you still have the ability to back out or cancel.
Jul 18Reply
summerchance @weneedlove It will send private or public offers to the likes on the listing that you select for a price drop. The function or tool is always there now on every listing it's automatic so don't worry you didn't cause it to happen it's been there for a couple months now I think.
Jul 18Reply
summerchance @weneedlove Sorry slept thru your question but hope I at least relieved your mind. Even tho I've been on this app for 2yrs?, I forget 🙃, I run into so many confusing things, it's alot to try to deal with all at once. Tag me any time, I'll be glad to help whenever I'm awake 😁. Summer
Jul 18Reply
weneedlove @summerchance Whew! Hope you had a good nap😊 Thank you so much for responding, it was a big help. What's the weather like this time in OR? I am in South Florida and we are HOT!!!
Jul 18Reply
negin_m Awww so cute
Aug 16Reply
summerchance @negin_m Here's a big paws up from Chance! 🐾🐾👅👀
Aug 18Reply
klwolynski Beautiful dog!
Aug 22Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Just wanted 2 let U know if U felt a drain in the energy force I siphoned off 1000 of Ur follows last nite & followed 1550 "Kristens & Kristins" this morning! Who knew so many women borrowing Ur name or a similar spelling of Ur name wanted 2 be poshers? PS followed Ur intructions bout turning off device(s) but didn't help. Thank U 4 Ur support & empathy❤
Dec 03Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen U prob already know this but just in case U don't: when U make a bundle all of Ur "likes" from that closet/boutique show up where Ur recently visited listings show up, just like b4 when they used 2 show up in Ur "dressing room". Do U have any more news on algorithm's preferences? Summer❤
Dec 03Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Tagged I'd lost my funny meaning it's unsettling/depressing 2 go from being positive always trying 2 see funny/best part 2 not being able 2 find positive funny part of my challenges. Some thot it 2 mean something totally different like I'd lost ability 2 be entertaining & they lovingly chastised me 4 it, their response surprised me. But seems U got what I meant, hope Ur not feeling the neg aspects of just trying 2 go from 1 day 2 next are overwhelming too! Summer
Dec 03Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance some people have lives of sunshine and rainbows and so have nothing to compare ... here’s a funny ,fellow posher complained to me that her son got in trouble and needs to pay a lawyer $7300 ... this happened on the same day my son asked for $15 to buy food( the day before thanksgiving and his paycheck didn’t come til Friday) this is what I mean by people who don’t know...
Dec 03Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance finally had social services show up to my home... their comments ... oh my you can’t live here... see many people don’t know... anyway I think things may be moving forward ... snow ... so just trying to stay warm;)
Dec 03Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I’m pretty lost about how to use the bundle from the sellers end... when a buyer bundles I offer a price... I haven’t figured out how to bundle someone’s likes into a bundle to get an offer to...
Dec 03Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I just tried something, I shared my black shearling coat to you sis it go to your "bundle"?
Dec 03Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Let's try it again, "like" one of my listings at the top of my closet & I'll try sending it to your bundle, ok?
Dec 03Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen This is how (I think) U send a listing 2 potential buyer's bundle: press Ur listing doesn't hav 2 be "liked" when it comes up 2 share, press the arrows in the box button 2 share, it will take U 2 the page where U select who U want 2 share Ur listing 2, press search button (of Ur followers) press pic of potential buyer U want 2 send that listing 2 & then Ur listing will automatically go 2 their bundle. Did I explain it ok? Summer 🐧
Dec 03Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I took a screen shot ... I’ll reread later but yes it makes sense now...
Dec 03Reply
thedormboutique Omg 😮 do adorable 💋
Dec 05Reply
karenbarrett83 Cute doggie!
Dec 17Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Haven't heard from you in a few days are U doing any better?
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Just 2 add another slice of frustration 2 my already frusteated overload life the PM app isn't just scrambling my listings now it's refusing 2 show 90% of my listings & nothing I do on cell or IMac PM app versions makes any effing difference. My tablet shows all my PM listings but nothing I do on tablet shows up or has any positive impact on other 2 platforms. Was selling 1 item daily til last wk when all this started!
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I’m just hunkered down .trying to stay warm.just dealing with a bit of dizzy and feet tend to stay cold . have decided I need to find those rice filled slippers that you can heat up in the seems to be not as yucky as before .so that’s a good thing.pain of course is an issue that I need to master... hope things are well with you and chance.poor max is so old ... weird thing . when I was really sick so was max .he seems to be better now too;)
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Compared 2 all else U & I are suffering this new fiasco is small but small with all else is killing hope. Hav U heard anybody else having this prob with app? Or are U even monitoring PM while feeling so terrible? I'v contacted PM Support removed & re-loaded PM app many times, hav done soft & hard restarts on all 3 devices but nothing helps. Oh hey I just realized there's a common theme here representing my life: Nothing Helps! It'll get better always does rite?
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance so is tour tablet dying ? Check the battery life ... check how full the memory is ... I only use my phone (remember tablet died)I’m doing posh but this is my worst sakes months in years ...
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen No! Tablet is only thing working with PM app!
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Cell & iMacPM app versions hav listings jumbled but not only that 90% of my listings don't show up & are gone from my closet on both Cell phone PM app & iMac PM app. I can only see all of my 450 listings from my tablet. I hav no idea if only 10% of my listings are showing up 2 anyone else looking at my closet or if all 459 are showing.
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I’ll check but I think everything shows from your closet...
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Sooo I've never heard of rice filled heatable slippers but sounds interesting. Are U having problem with getting pain meds scripts? Hav docs taken script for pain away? Geez what's up with that?
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I'm not surprised Max was sick while U were, aren't U & Max empathic with each other? Whenever I'm ill Chance gets sick, when I'm in worse pain Chance acts as tho he's in worse's such a symbiotic relationship.....kinda figured U & Max were same way.
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance no I have naproxen... but I think the colder it gets , the harder it is for me to regulate body temp and so I have pain flares ...
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Please tell me Ur making some progress with "the powers that be" 2 get some housing help!?!? Where U live cannot be affecting U or Ur health positively, like I'm telling U anything U don't know sigh...... Wish I culd do something anything 2 help😔
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yes I have lists of phone numbers to call but am waiting tell after the first to call... I qualified for 35 hours a month in help ( in house and rides fir errands) that’s another list of numbers I need to call and hire someone...where I live now will limit who I get to work for me...
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Of course, all these telephone #'s, calls, hrs of hold time, being told no U hav 2 call some1 else or a different dept, only 2 get more #'s that then only end up in reams of paperwork 2 fill out☹ A painfree 150% abled person wuld nd help getting thru all the hoops, I wish U had some1 to advocate 4 U😔
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yes everyone says that there should be a senior/ disabled advocate ... but not in el dorado county... that’s why I need to hire this Helier so she can file our forms for me and drive me to appts... I have to get blood tests on weds , so I should have time to make a few calls:)
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I'll be sending U positive energy & hopes U'll feel well & strong enuf 2 be able 2 make the calls. Are U no longer on chemo meds? I thot I read in 1 of Ur comments U weren't taking them now.
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance off chemo meds ... which means everything I’m experiencing is just the auto immune... so much less... dr appt mid month... we’ll see if he puts me in something else..
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance what the he’ll is sporty chic ... that’s such an oxymoron...
Dec 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Heeee heeee haaa haaa haaa!🤗 Think athleisure gone Dolly Parton mixed with Charro (remember her?) ❤ Summer
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yes I remember her... activewear drives me a bit nutty ... it’s great for at home wear or tuning errands wear but please don’t try to tell me that all those woman’s actually exercise;)
Dec 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance so I had to go to the vampires ( blood tests) today and I walked about a mile in placerville ( lower attitude) and felt pretty good ... and I made a few phone calls...;)
Dec 27Reply
angelatoni23 It’s like when kids play w the box instead of the toy! It’s the simple things! So darn cute!!!! ❤️
Dec 30Reply
photogal10 Your pics of Chance put a huge smile on my face this morning. What a beauty! ❤😊❤
Jan 18Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Back home safe & already on PM, that had to have been the most difficult trip you've made in your entire life. Wish you could have had an escort the Houston airport with the motorized cars zipping around people in the
Mar 22Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen (Chance thot I was done so he sent the msg for me🤪) the cause ways & all the jet lagged people carrying more than they can carry are frightening for sighted people let alone blind people! I've nearly been squished there by those motorized carts on several occasions.
Mar 22Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Then to come home to your place without Max to greet you; soul suffering beyond words.
Mar 22Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance yes macs loss is a quieter kind of loss... he was very old, in pain and died peacefully in my arms ... I will never again take a pet to the vets office to be put to sleep ... it may have cost a lot but we were at home ,,,
Mar 22Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance the best part about the airport was learning to tell people I was blind ... and tipping the wheel chair pushers made the travel easier .,, I did have to say ‘ be careful of the people you are rude to, you know not what their story is’ a few people ... that usually stoped their insensitivity,,,
Mar 22Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I was also at the Dallas airport , in the middle of weather that delayed flights .. at one point they moved the plane I was on twice on the tarmac , the departure gate 3 times... each time having to move me and me having no idea what time I was leaving and what gate... I just stressed and trusted...
Mar 22Reply
pennie3 SOOOO ADORABLE!!!!🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
Mar 26Reply
carrieloftis @summerchance Thank you for sharing my closet!! Your Puppy is Adorable 😍❤️
Mar 26Reply
summerchance @carrieloftis You're very welcome I enjoyed sharing & shopping, you've got a lot of great jeans! Thank you for complimenting Chance❣He's my best friend & clothing arbitrator, if I don't get an enthusiastic tail wag the piece doesn't go in the closet or boutique for sale.😉 Summer
Mar 27Reply
carrieloftis @summerchance we both have that in common Love shopping too! I have 2 Bernedoodles who bring me so much Joy. 😍 You have a very nice closet as well. Very fun to network and support all the Poshers on here. 😊 I’m new so still learning . Have a Blessed Day 🦋
Mar 27Reply
summerchance @sunnyside88 Thanks so much 4 the wonderful compliment😁 Anyone can do it, it's a little tedious & takes quite a bit of time depending on how many items U hav in Ur closet. Plan out which items go where in Ur color order, I use a penciled chart I'v made in advance, then U hav 2 share each item in sequential order from last item 2 first always sharing from right 2 left, his will put all Ur items in the color ranges U selected.
Apr 26Reply
summerchance @sunnyside88 Once U hav Ur closet in color order, each time U add a new item, plan where U want it 2 go then share everything again, last item 2 first item in sequential order, when U come 2 the place U want Ur new item 2 go share it in that order, this will keep Ur closet in color order. Make sense? It's a bit confusing at 1st but gets easier with practice😁 🌷🌷🌷 Summer
Apr 26Reply
summerchance @sunnyside88 Absolutely my pleasure! I hope it made sense🙃 Have a great weekend🌹Summer
Apr 27Reply
sb_emporium Cuuuuuttttte!! ❤️
Apr 27Reply
summerchance @judes_vintage A big thank you from me 💗👣😁 & a bigger slurply doodle kiss from Chance 💞 🐾🐾👀👅
Oct 21Reply
trendsetterdiva Omg what a cute little doggie!
Aug 28Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Been concerned bout U is everything basically as good as it's gonna get til fire hazard drops? Hopin Ur able 2 sleep at nite, & stay if not cool then at least not hot!
Sep 10Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance well power was off for about a day and 1/2 , yes the wind was scary, went to town and good blood tests and flu shot , I was grateful that everyone wore masks , I was sick last night after shot but seem a bit better now , there is a local neighbors on line site with a few retired firefighters on it , their pretty good at tracking fires and wind , because of all the high smoke from all the fires , I think tonight will actually be cold ... it’s just weird ...
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I certainly had no reasonable cause 4 concern at my place but what do I know?😂 Early am a tree fell across front of my house! I cant get out no 1 can get in. Since back of my home overlooks a ravine back door's not an option either. 1 of the 1st yrs I lived here a true emergency occurred while I was home alone & I resorted 2 climbing
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen climbing over deck rail & hanging fr deck 2 give myself 5'-1/2' less drop I tried 2 tuck & roll when I hit but it still resulted in injuries so Im not real anxious 2 try it again less I totally hav 2. Had 50mph windstorm last 2days theres so many trees down they're being removed by urgency so I'm on waitlist.
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Thankful no 1 was hurt! Power's spotty but Im safe dry & there appears 2B no excessive damage 2 my home, garage or next door neighbor's home. Hope U & Mila remain safe! 😙💕Summer
Sep 10Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance wind ... amazing ... hope things turn out , if it was at all tree check to see how it may effect the flow of wind in the future ...
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Odd thing I'v had zero concerns bout this tree it's the huge huge trees behind me in wetland that scare crud outta me😰 They're constantly dropping limbs wider than my waist on top of my house & deck. Did I tell U 1st winter after Steven's death 1 of those big fat limbs came down across my deck & destroyed deck heater Chance's potty system & table? It somehow missed a window by foot or 2 but seemed much closer. Felt like whole tree had fallen on us.
Sep 10Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance sounds like the tree knows that losing a limb is better the falling down completely and at a size that is not life threatening...
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Any trees down in Ur area? Air's been deadly 4 last 3 days/nites thot windstorm wuld clear it but not so much. Dozen or so raging fires hav destroyed whole cities nearby & haven't been contained. Air & sky hav been putrid amber color.😱 Only other time I'v ever seen colored air was when Mt St Helen's blew & the air was literally gray 2 black scary times girlfriend be safe pleaz.💖
Sep 10Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance branches mostly , my frack needs a serious sweep , when I went to placerville yesterday it was super smoky , it’s high smoky here , but comes down at night , I can imagine that the smoke goes from here to the ocean which is 2 1/2 hours a away ....I am grateful for every blue sky day which haven’t been too often lately ... and that orange / pink sunsets , scary
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Take a look in feed at listing directly under mine for your bundle, it's a sports shirt for Gronkowski (?) Someone (?) is sharing from those 141, 142 following closets.
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I've seen these type listings from these types closets shared every late nite when I'm up to share but don't see it happen in business hours......
Sep 10Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I wish I knew what those were ... just weird
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Me too! Tempted to tag a hello to the one that's sharing, but too afraid of negative consequences,ughh.
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I'v 2nd of 3 bundles up 4 U & just tagged U fr it. Pic of Chance & me was rare time Steven actually took pic of me. Steven said Chancey was guarding me while I was recovering fr nerve ablation procedure😮 I look terrible of course but Chancey looks darling❤U can purchase any, all or none anytime after Thurs nite they'll just be ready 4 U when U are.🌹S
Sep 10Reply
summerchance @staylow808, Hi I moved us here so as not 2 continue on an open listing, a little more private. I'm a PM Associate & Ambassador amongst many others, it's 1 of my joys & responsibilities 2 help where ever possible especially with new poshers just like the phenomenal women who helped me when I 1st started; this is the true culture of PM, 2 foster success & celebrate achievements.
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 Thank you spellcheck NOT for adding a w after your closet name, ugh.😖 Please see my msg ⬆️⬆️above⬆️⬆️🌹Summer
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 This is such a huge growing app & community filled with all kinds of learned info that isn't always the easiest 2 find, learn or know. Fortunately there're some wonderful women like my mentors who make it their responsibility 2 teach ins & outs, rules, courtesies, culture & ways 2B more successful💖 I still hav mentors who've become deeply valued friends & I in turn mentor some amazing wonen🌷
Sep 20Reply
staylo808 @summerchance Lol! Now your message about spell check makes much more sense!!!😂 ... It's StayLo (kinda like JLo) - my name is Stacey Lopez so StayLo quickly became a nickname!
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 I love it, will be super easy to remember now! It's nice to meet you & I've already introduced myself. I'm a day sleeper so if you ever tag me please don't think I'm ignoring you sometimes it just takes me awhile to get the msg🙃
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 Wow I just shared Ur closet I didn't realize U hav 160+ listings🤦‍♀️ U don't hav just a start Uv got a full fledged super closet!! I'm completely impressed at how many listings Uv posted in less than a mo?! We hav some very similar tastes😁
Sep 20Reply
staylo808 @summerchance Oh no worries! I know you've got to be busy and your time is so valuable so I'm just thankful for the help you've already given me!😊Your closet is great btw- I really like your style & I think it's smart that your closet has a style of that makes sense! I have my eye on a few items in there!😉 You probably sell things faster than I'm used to, so I'll try'n make up my mind soon!
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 Hope U don't mind thot I'd share with U something I just learned & had 2 go thru entire closet correcting it. Don't use any punctuation or emoji's in the 1st description line of Ur listings. Search engine doesn't like it & won't bring up Ur listing in a search, It bypasses every matching listing with emojis & punctuation. Ugh wish I'd known that 4yrs ago!
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 Ur very very sweet thanx but not sure I deserve much of Ur praise! Noticed U liked couple things & had 1 or 2 in Ur bundle but take all time U want cuz (U prob already know this) but items placed in a bundle aren't reserved anyone can still buy them. I'm also very happy 2 get offers & don't take offense if they're low.
Sep 20Reply
staylo808 @summerchance When you have a minute could you tell me where I could find those share groups that you mentioned? I haven't really seen a PM help page other than the short list of Do's and Don'ts I read when signing up, but I'm guessing that's because it doesn't exist ;)
Sep 20Reply
summerchance @staylo808 Oh No! I immediately tagged U fr Shelley's share game & tagged Shelley bout U she got it & thanked me. I'm sorry U didn't get it! This is her closet name @bell1971 her game is "Lippy" & I kinda explained it 2 U in my tag. Go 2 her closet & find game page & U can go 2 my FP top listing U were originally asked me bout there U'll see info & my tag. I'm tagging U again fr her game now.
Sep 20Reply
lovelyblessings 🤗 Adorable ! 🥰
May 28Reply
summerchance @lovelyblessings Thank you from us both❣🌹S & C
May 28Reply

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