community guidelines

Poshmark’s mission is to put people at the heart of commerce, empowering everyone to thrive. Our community is based on trust and respect, and we think it’s something special, so we’ve established our Community Guidelines (“Guidelines”) as part of our Terms of Service to ensure Poshmark can be a safe and trustworthy place to buy and sell together.

Whether you come to Poshmark to browse, buy, or sell, our Community Guidelines apply to all Poshers and all of the ways we connect, including Listings, Comments, Conversations, Images, Videos, Posh Parties, Posh Stories, and Posh Shows (where applicable). See our Posh Show rules here. We also have policies specifically for buyers and sellers.

By using Poshmark, you are subject to this policy across the Poshmark marketplace and services, including all community spaces. Violations of these Guidelines may result in deleted content, removal of listings or restrictions to your account. We may also report certain harmful content or conduct to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

As in any diverse community, you may encounter content on Poshmark that you don’t like or agree with, even though that content doesn’t violate our Guidelines. If you encounter someone you’d rather not engage with, you can unfollow or block a user.

If you see something or someone on Poshmark that doesn’t follow these guidelines, please report it to us and do not engage with Poshers who behave inappropriately. Our team will investigate and take the appropriate action. If you have an issue with one of your orders, or with another Posher, please contact us for support.

Be Respectful

In order to maintain a safe and welcoming community, we expect Poshers to be respectful in their interactions with others. We ask everyone to be kind, assume best intentions, and consider how your content, conduct, or behavior may be received by an audience with mixed sensibilities. We understand not everyone always sees eye-to-eye, but we do not tolerate harassment or other forms of bullying. Please review the Anti-Bullying Policy below for more information on what types of behavior we do not allow.

Inclusivity is central to our community, so we do not allow behavior or content that is sexually explicit, hateful, or excessively violent. For more information on how we define these content categories, please see the Prohibited Items Policy.

Be Safe

Do not post private communications, contact information such as your email address and phone number, or other personal details in any public spaces on Poshmark. Do not make threats or attempts to give out the personal information of others.

Do not engage in or glorify unsafe activities, which includes any acts, behavior, or misinformation that may endanger or physically harm yourself or others.

Be Real

It takes real people to build a thriving community. Please don’t engage in any behavior to impersonate or mislead others. This includes, but is not limited to implying a false affiliation with other individuals, groups, or brands. You may not use Poshmark to collect personal data or content that doesn’t belong to you or to which you do not own the rights. Be respectful of the intellectual property rights of others.

While Poshers are welcome to recruit human helpers, we don’t allow Poshers to use unauthorized programs or other forms of automation to participate on Poshmark. This includes, but is not limited to, deleting and reposting content, liking, sharing, following, and unfollowing.

Don’t Spam or Solicit

Spam comes in many forms, but typically refers to posting unsolicited or unwanted promotional content over and over. This may also include excessively reposting the same item for sale. Spam can be a nuisance for other Poshers, so please don’t do it.

Poshmark is also not the place to post any content that constitutes a contest, raffle, or sweepstakes. Do not ask for or otherwise solicit donations of money, goods, or services through our platform or by advertising a third party site. However, Poshers are welcome to sell their clothing, accessories, and select home goods for any lawful cause to which they choose to donate proceeds on their own. Poshmark does not verify donation receipt.

Keep Transactions on Poshmark

You may not use Poshmark to conduct transactions off the platform or offline. Sales that originate on Poshmark must be completed through Poshmark, including any discussion about details of the item or price negotiation. For more information, please see our Off-Site Transactions Policy below.

In the event of a dispute, our Posh Protect program does not cover buyers or sellers if any part of the transaction was taken off of Poshmark. This also applies to trades and unauthorized giveaways as they are honor-based agreements which we cannot guarantee will be fulfilled as described.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Bullying is not allowed on Poshmark. Bullying can mean different things to different people, but we define it as repeated unwelcome socially aggressive behavior from an individual or a group targeted towards another individual or group. Poshmark reserves the right to evaluate bullying behavior in its sole discretion. Bullying includes but is not limited to the behaviors outlined below.

  • Harassment:

  • Sending cruel or harmful messages or using other methods of contact (including tagging) to engage with a specific target without a clear and reasonable purpose
  • Circumventing the block feature or continuing to engage with someone after they have requested not to be contacted
  • Using derogatory language, violent threats, or encouraging self-harm even if intended as a joke
  • Doxing: Sharing someone else's non-public personally identifiable information

  • Denigration: Publicly shaming or otherwise focusing conversation on negative information to demean another user, regardless of truth, in order to damage their reputation or discourage buyers from purchasing from their closet

  • Brigading: Organizing or participating in a coordinated unwelcome action against a target including but not limited to abuse of the Poshmark reporting feature

If you are being bullied on Poshmark, do not engage with the aggressor(s). Write to us and let us know, with as much detail as you can share, what happened. We're here to help, but in some cases, Poshmark is not in a position to resolve matters of bullying.

  • If you are concerned about bullying happening outside of Poshmark, please seek assistance from the appropriate party relative to where you may be experiencing these issues.
  • If you are concerned about defamation or another civil issue, you may wish to seek legal advice. Poshmark cannot serve as the arbiter of truth.
  • If you are concerned about your safety, consult your local law enforcement authorities.

Off-Site Transactions Policy

Directing transactions off of Poshmark is not allowed. While some users may conduct business through multiple venues, sales that originate on Poshmark must be completed through Poshmark. This includes any discussion about details of the item or price negotiation. Poshmark reserves the right to review and classify off-site transactions in its sole discretion. Off-site transactions include but are not limited to the examples outlined below.

  • Web addresses: You may not post or otherwise promote a URL, image, or other off-platform location with promotional offers or an invitation to facilitate any part of a sale off of Poshmark.

  • Referral codes: You may not post or mention a URL, code, or other unique identifier that directs Poshmark users to join or otherwise conduct business through a non-Poshmark affiliated service.

  • QR codes: You may not post QR codes directing users off of Poshmark for any reason unless affiliated with a Poshmark-owned account.

  • Off-platform communication: You may not request someone contact you by phone, email, or other means outside of Poshmark’s established community spaces to support the completion of a transaction.

Exceptions: Posting URLs or mentioning off-site locations that enhance the shopping experience such as a social media page, manufacturer’s website, size guide, or fashion inspiration while keeping all other aspects of the transaction on Poshmark is allowed.